
rm79 t1_j7einzs wrote

"Anything that remotely annoys you"

Yea I'm not sure you've actually dealt with a raccoon problem before.

When I was in college, a pair of raccoons decided to make their nest on our house's roof and the local animal control eventually had to poison them. Before killing them, they came at night to verify their presence was a significant nuisance. Even from the roof, you could clearly hear their clawing and snarling in the bedrooms and common areas.

I'm very conscious of the planet's wildlife and our duty to preserve their habitats and populations, but these situations are just an expected byproduct of our coexistence.


rm79 t1_j7a2web wrote

The only solution to end this is to exterminate them unfortunately. There's no way I'd be able to put up with raccoons outside my bedroom window for more than a week. By the first Saturday I'd be rolling baloney in antifreeze and calling someone to bag up the aftermath.

Everyone is saying they wouldn't have a problem with it but raccoons that close to your bedroom window every night is crazy. They make awful sounds and scratch and claw the walls. Its a serious quality of life issue and this lady is obviously beyond distressed.
