
robklg159 t1_irca6ln wrote

I mean he's just not really on point here. Atheists aren't quite right and believers are fully wrong, but this kind of agnostic take is also wrong.

The thing about the concept of "god" is that said being would be so incomprehensible and beyond our scope as humans that to even begin to almost understand the edges of such a thing you'd have to be able to simultaneously imagine both everything and nothing at once... which is not possible since humans can't even imagine actual nothingness let alone infinity so both at the same time is just something we can't begin to think about touching.

That's really why being agnostic makes sense. There's just no way anybody at all could say they know anything about there being or not being some kind of godly power since it's so inconceivable to us and our pitiful pointless place in this universe as well as whatever else there may be that we just can't/don't experience lol