
robmapp t1_j9ch3sj wrote

Yea I'm late to reply because I don't sit on reddit responding to every comment.

You keep mentioning the strike but that is one part of it. I'm looking at the overall picture, which spans back years. I'm looking at preventative measures that would and should have been enacted. But due to politics and greed, we moved away from those measures.

We should have equipped the trains with a better braking system. Could it have helped avoid the situation? Possibly? But we won't know because we picked the other option with predictable results. The same thing can be said about the strike.

If you wanted real change, both democrats and republicans should have moved forward with the best solution to ensure public safety. Which again, the Obama Admin tried to do. The best solution was to future proof train brakes and railroad workers safety. Pure and simple. One party did not want to do that and here we are.

If you don't want to have a civil convo and be a dick, just don't respond.