
robo45h t1_jeazi4d wrote

I, sadly, haven't tried all the local Penna. brands. That said, I'm a "basic regular chip" lover, so my go-to is Herr's standard chips. I'm not a fan of kettle chips in general; don't like the thicker cut. And while I may occasionally enjoy a flavored chip, I feel ultimately the plain chip is the best. I need to try all of the local Penna. brands!

As it happens, after driving Route 1 past the Nottingham Penna. exit for many years and always wanting to take the plant tour, I finally did it last Monday. They don't run the tours on weekends, and some days not all things are in production, so scheduling is important. Fun tour, and unless something strange is going on, you'll get warm regular chips right off the production line as part of the tour!


robo45h t1_j7e8rrc wrote

When it was in Independence Hall, it was just an ancillary exhibit (didn't have it's own building at the time). So it didn't have anyone constantly guarding it. And it was mead of an alloy of relatively soft metals. As a result, not only could you touch it, but many people used pen knives to shave off a souvenir from the bottom. You can clearly see how uneven the bottom is these days. This is the real reason you can't touch it as easily today; not the guy with the hammer who it it many years later in a different building. It was moved to it's own building on July 4th in the rain in 1976 (bicentennial). But this "space ship" building was later replaced with a better building.