
robotatomica t1_je1x9kk wrote

Reply to comment by lakevalerie in Post book depression by bertiewoooster

I found an old journal from when I was 10 and every few entries I go TO PIECES bc I finished a book that I really loved. Like, mourning it like a lost loved one, hand-copying the whole last several pages, vowing to cherish the boom forever, and just absolutely despondent lol.

I do still get that feeling in the pit of my stomach and chest when I finish a great book or movie - sometimes it makes me hold off finishing a tv series.


robotatomica t1_jda78ai wrote

Funny story, my friends had left my house super late one night and the next day they were awe-struck, describing having seen something inexplicable in the sky. Mind you, we were all atheist, but they were speaking so reverently it occurred to me they felt this was some sort of spiritual occurrence, almost like they had seen God.

I was a skeptic even then and kept asking more questions to get a better idea of what they’d seen and it became clear enough to me - “That sounds like you saw an Aurora.” They immediately shook their heads, and were insistent that couldn’t be what it was. After all, we live in the contiguous US where we basically never see them. I also didn’t think we got them down here, but it made more sense that one would anomalously occur than my buddies seeing God appear in waves of color over my house in the suburbs.

And what do you know, it was in the paper that we indeed had had the majesty of the Aurora visited upon us that night. They wouldn’t talk about it, and I never brought it up again after confirming - though I coulda strangled them for not knocking on my window to bring me outside to see it with them that night!


robotatomica t1_irb824l wrote

didn’t we all decide it was silly to fixate on GMOs? Like, basically everything we eat is GM, and it’s for sure the only reason the carrying capacity of the world has increased with population.

It’s also just such a pseudo-science take. Some GMOs may not be good but there’s no science to support that, whereas there’s plenty of evidence that there’s nothing wrong with them.

At the end of the day, it’s used as shorthand to fear-monger to people who don’t know what it means. It’s like saying a food is bad bc of “all the chemicals.”