
robthetrashguy t1_j9z2l61 wrote

I can’t help you beyond googling it. It’s just another example of the fragmented system of sustainability. Tell Zinus that it’s not an available option in NJ and to Please honor their refund policy. Unless, there is something in the fine print that covers this, they should be able to do that. I brought this sort of topic up at a recent meeting on extended producer responsibility (EPR). While this tends to focus on plastics, it happens in many other product lines, such as mattresses. There is no National system that facilitates the collection and repurposing of products that exists in every state. Zinus, needs to be called out in this.


robthetrashguy t1_j5fmag6 wrote

It is really about putting the pressure on politicians to act. That will be done by showing up to town wide clean ups and engaging with them. Ask how will they reduce the problem. Don’t accept the excuses why they don’t or can’t. There is money out there in the form of clean communities grants to offset the expenses, they have property maintenance, littering and dumping ordinances that need to be rewritten so they can be enforced. If pols see people will vote with this in mind then they will be compelled to act.


robthetrashguy t1_j5fjpqg wrote

I moved to NJ in 2008. My wife and I got involved with Hackensack Riverkeeper and their clean up program. We have met people who we get together with to clean up along the waterways in North and Central Jersey. I have posted a few on here and the subredidit r/detrashed. It is repetitive. We go back to the same places and clean. It’s a huge issue but not limited to NJ. Collect the trash, take pics, keep hounding your local government and demand they take action. Vote for those that will and do!


robthetrashguy t1_j2ier87 wrote

Yeah today will be better as many travel in the last day of holidays. Besides, it’s likely 14 hrs drive and breaks if you’re coming all the way across NJ. My daughter just did this drive to visit for the Xmas weekend. You also have the extra day to give you a some options if anything changes on the trip here.


robthetrashguy t1_j2fii8q wrote

Push people? Did legalizing alcohol again push people to drink? It’s an escape from reality for the moment, ie., recreational use. I’m surrounded by it through friends and coworkers who smoke. My daughter had vacuum sealed bags as big as garbage cans in her studio where she made topicals and edibles. I am not pushed into using it despite all that. Please.


robthetrashguy t1_j2eheio wrote

That they deal with everyone is the problem. Those everyones are coming into a place they really don’t see as necessary to comply with rules that don’t agree with or like. A necessary evil with an interminable wait and any number of hoops to jump through. I’m just glad they finally have online renewal services.


robthetrashguy t1_iw2x2nt wrote

What species of trees? If they are hardwood like oak, maple, ash, etc…, it would be good for firewood or possibly for lumber if it’s cut long enough. If it’s softwood like, pine, spruce or fir, then it’s a tougher sell. We used to share these species with scout groups for firewood since it burns fast.