
rogerflog t1_jdf8yi8 wrote

True you are correct, no normal distribution curve here. Standard normal curve occurs with many natural phenomenon. Intentional actions don’t have to follow a standard normal curve, and usually don’t.

For instance, the speed limit on the interstate by me is 75mph. It’s just my subjective measurement but I’m guessing at least twice as many people are driving 85mph than those that are driving 65mph. Human beings have intentional behavior, so this is just one of many instances that doesn’t follow a standard normal curve.


rogerflog t1_jdb6ksc wrote

“Average” is often misleading and does not tell the whole story. You have 5 people, ages 19, 20, 21, 22 and 93. The average user is 35 ( Add all ages together and get 175 then divide by 5, which is the number of people in the group. This averages out to 35. ) That’s “well past college age,” as most of us would consider it.

However, we can clearly see that most of the users in our sample group are ages 19-22. The metric that makes more sense to use here is the “Mode” of the sample, which counts how many users belong to the largest group.

In our sample here, the Mode shows that 80% of users are still 19-22 years old, even though the inclusion of someone’s great-great grandmother raises the Average to 35.

People can manipulate numbers like they manipulate emotions; do your research, use multiple sources, trust your instincts, don’t accept someone else’s “truth” at face value.


rogerflog t1_j7mt6kw wrote

13 Pro Max here.

I’m not interested in the Dynamic Island.

It’s a solution in search of a problem. Then handed over to the Apple Megamarketing Department so that they could squeeze every drop of sweet money out of those lines of code.

Notch is much less noticeable in landscape. I imagine the Dynamic Island notifications in landscape would just take up more space (or be locked in portrait orientation) and annoy the crap out of me.


rogerflog t1_j31yl78 wrote

Yep. More half-truths from the Marketing department to downplay product issues and do damage control.

This PR statement would be a refreshing change:

“We’re sorry to have wasted your hard-earned money and time with a product that fell short of expectations. The issue with the product is _______ . AMD makes a lot of great products and there are some design and/or manufacturing issues here that are not up to our high standards. AMD will work with customers who purchased these products and begin returns, exchanges or other accommodations so that you can continue to enjoy using AMD products. We apologize for delivering you a product that did not meet your expectations and if you contact us at ________ , we’ll make it right for you.”