
rojasduarte t1_iu98hw0 wrote

First of all, because you put an exclamation mark after wrong, I read it like Donald Trump said it.

Second, the only reason to sell a position you're winning on, is of you believe it's reached the top and is going to decline. You're saying that given the choice to make more money or less money you would consciously choose to make less?

Third, happiness has nothing to do with it, zero, if you're in the market to try and be happy, I pitty you


rojasduarte t1_iu9733n wrote

But it literally isn’t. Assume you bought stock at $10 a share and I bought it from you at $12 a share and sold it to someone at $14 a share. Where is the zero sum?

Very simply, when I sold to you at 12 and later it went to 14 I lost 2 per share. We split the profit, ok, bit I'm trying to say the market isn't collaborative, I'd much rather make 4 per share than 2, isn't that obvious?

Or let’s say I sell you a covered option and I make $2 each and you make money on the option? Who lost money? What if I bought the position for my cover at $12 and they bought theirs at $10 and you get it at $14?

That's even more proof of my point, isn't it? If the market is profitable for an option I bought from you, it's because it's printing, so you're gonna get exercised and lose money, there's no way around it.

If an option isn't printing, then I lost money on the deal and you profit, we're betting in opposite scenarios, don't you agree?

Where is the zero sum?


rojasduarte t1_iu8tnvw wrote

Best case scenario: vitória do Lula, ações despencam pra mínima histórica, eu compro, Lula anuncia plano pra total privatização, stonks!