
roll_left_420 t1_j9ptapn wrote

This is true of many mental “disorders” in modern society.

In fact, an entire movement of people who identify/diagnosed as Autistic, ADHD, Dyslexic and a few other conditions call themselves “Neurodivergent” to indicate that there’s nothing “disordered” about them, their brain is just different than average.

Like - there is nothing wrong with kids who need to move/fidget to think, but teachers/parents view it as a distraction and punish the kids. Causing them to mask symptoms leading to serious anxiety and depression for ADHD youth.

Depression makes it even harder to focus than before, and thus the ADHD shame spiral.

More frequent breaks and outside time separate from PE / recess would’ve helped me dramatically as a kid with “undiagnosed” ADHD (my parents and teachers knew something was up but ADHD wasn’t considered a real thing where I grew up).