
roundhousemb t1_j47mzhy wrote

Paris is actually pretty small by area, especially compared to the other cities you listed. Paris is ~100 km² while Mumbai is ~600 km². Paris has a population ~2 mil and Mumbai has a population of about 12 mil so they're very close.

This chart is just weird because it doesn't define "city" and OP just ripped their data straight from the Wikipedia page "List of cities proper by population density" without any real thought or research about the topic. It does feel like a karma grab. But you also shouldn't say it's wrong just because other cities feel like they should be denser.


roundhousemb t1_j1qlzj8 wrote

I mean one can feel imposter syndrome in a wide range of situations. Don't get me wrong I'm kinda dubious of any conclusions being drawn from this data, but I think it is common (or at the very least possible) for a student who is used to being near the top of their class and is suddenly middle of the pack because of the competitive admissions process to feel imposter syndrome. They feel they aren't actually succeeding unless they're "winning", which obviously isn't actually how school works.

That said, because this is a survey before they have actually attended any amount of university, they don't have any actual context for what university is like and I get the feeling it's more based on their perception of the school and where it was in their list. Was it a safety school? Was it their top choice?


roundhousemb t1_j1qini1 wrote

I mean I don't think you can say that the bias isn't an issue if you want to make any kind of generalized conclusion off that data. It's representative of your program maybe (and maybe a few similarly competitive programs) but it's kinda a stretch to suggest it's representative of all who start software engineering degrees.