
rpd9803 t1_iu362yx wrote

I think you just have to do the best you can to maintain perspective that not everyone has the same experiences you do, and the folks making snap judgements on whether people fall into the ‘good/evil’ buckets based off a small set of impersonal experiences doth protest too much. And yeah of course it’s racist has been for a long time..

but I also think the ‘why didn’t adidas drop Ye when he said slavery was a choice but then they dropped him for being anti-Semitic is a fair question for Adidas to answer…

It’s hard not to step in the shit landmines


rpd9803 t1_iu2r2k5 wrote

And the reaction he is getting from this is not going to dissaude him from the racist opinion that the Jewish people are disproportionately influential in many areas of life. I certainly don't agree with the racist opinion in any way, to be clear... I'm just not sure its worthy of scumbag-no-matter-what-else-for-life status.