
rthomas10 t1_j63fr8w wrote

>The point of the need of UBI is that there won't be jobs, because society will be automated.

So when there are no jobs (this will never happen) we can talk about a UBI ok? Humans are all driven by what they perceive as their best interest. Me, you, the person down the street, the politicians pushing the narrative....you will never breed this out of humans.


rthomas10 t1_j60pcxg wrote

Lest you think I'm being difficult I actually think the best solution for humans is to do away with profit all together, everyone gets all that they need. There are barriers to this chief among them is "power corrupts." you could never put together a group of humans that administered society fairly they would and could be influenced by their power. AI distribution of assets? Probably a good start but there would be some human that would game the system and there the problem goes again. also who over sees the AI? Humans are the problem with this and your idea of UBI. Are there some altruistic individuals? sure but there are far more corrupt or influenced humans. I think Bernie was on the right track. (don't tell my conservative friends though) Hell, humans sold other humans for money. That's pretty F'd up.

Look at the Star Trek of old. Their society had no cash (or that was the premise) . Everyone got what they needed, healthcare, food, shelter, toys,...etc. However this was made possible by energy abundance and eventual technological advancement that turned energy into matter. Which is what would be needed to supply everyone with everything they needed or wanted right, material socialism? Take away the struggle for "stuff" and what are you left with? The struggle to do what you want for the joy of "doing" this thing. (which is what you were driving at right? Look I agree with you there) But you would also need to have people doing the "Dirty Jobs" right? How would you incentivize the shitty jobs that need to be done so that society continues without....extra stuff/money/prestige? I haven't figured that one out yet. Perhaps we can design robots to unclog sewars in the future or maybe the mater transmittance tech can just whisk away poop and there won't be clogged sewars. Dunno.

EDIT: In reality if we had abundant clean power then money would become meaningless really.


rthomas10 t1_j60f6j4 wrote

UBI will (actually it won't) enable you to just survive. The trips to other countries you mention won't be possible because that's not basic income type stuff. You will get a studio in a iffy part of town after the rents go up to compensate for the flush of money. Inflation will eat away any left over cash because now everyone will have money for food...but what do you classify as "basic" needs? shelter/food/toilet paper.....Cable TV is not basic. A cell phone is not basic. A car is not basic (you are living in a city with public transport?)

By the way....Does everyone get this UBI? I mean EVERYONE? The guy that went to college and has a good programming job that programs the machines that do the jobs humans once did? So EVERYONE gets it or it's not "UNIVERSAL" basic income. It will never work. As soon as everyone has the same amount of money to spend on the basics the cost of basics will go up to make the UBI not sufficient to provide the basics.

And if it's not "UNIVERSAL" basic income it's not fair to the workers that keep earning. Why work to make my life better when you take away my UBI because I chose to make money and better myself. You would in essence be penalizing hard work.