
runswithcoyotes t1_iv6d9r7 wrote

> Wouldn't it make outdoor temps higher?

That’s how A/Cs work today.. except they consume electricity and produce additional mechanical heat.

Think of this as a way to passively create a cooler bubble within a hot climate by creating two areas of distinct average temperature. It’s not really adding anything to that climate, and the overall average is still the same.


runswithcoyotes t1_it4yed7 wrote

Ah, thanks! So I this explains why you can’t send specific values:

If you force one side to change, it breaks the entanglement. UNLESS you modify the state in a way that you can compare the changes that led to the state later. I don’t really understand why that is, and will need to dig into the nested links to find out.

> Alice and Bob end up with measurements that are perfectly correlated, no information passes between them. They can only see the correlation when they get back together and compare lists, and they have to do that at or below the speed of light.

But! My question wasn’t actually about specific states, it was about changes in states. Which.. to me still seems possible.


runswithcoyotes t1_isrt18g wrote

Why not? Any change is itself a message.

Edit: to whoever downvoted me, you obviously don’t understand signaling. Any change in states, is at the very least a binary message. Couple that with timing, and multiple bits, and you’ve got yourself a full-fledged messaging platform. Egg heads like OP here aren’t able to explain why this wont work. I’m happy to listen to an explanation, if one could just be provided.


runswithcoyotes t1_isao9ic wrote

I don’t understand this article. How effective is this particular medication in the general population? We are missing key information.

> along with predicting response to Sertraline with 83.7 percent accuracy could similarly detect response to the placebo with 83 percent accuracy