
rush2ryme t1_j96tru7 wrote

It depends, of course, on what you’re used to spending where you’re from. Overall it’s cheaper than where I’m originally from. Utilities are MUCH higher than what I’m used to but rent is way cheaper too. Groceries are equitable, those are just expensive no matter where you live now. I also love living here so that helps make it all worth it.


rush2ryme t1_j64ls7y wrote

I just went for the first time. I was impressed by the selection, but as a heads up it is pricey. Not so bad if you just grab NA beer but if you get into their spirits or wine or seltzer drinks, it jumps a good bit. For OP, check out their CBD, Delta 8, or Kava drinks. However you can’t really drink a bunch of them, you’d either get sick (kava) or you’d feel deliriously high (delta 8).


rush2ryme t1_j1vjpb8 wrote

Not a short term solution but the electric workers union apprenticeship usually opens up in March and can provide long term, stable employment as well as pretty good pay. They haven’t released the application dates yet but bookmark this and keep an eye out. I’m waiting for it as well, sick of crappy jobs and crappy pay.


rush2ryme t1_iyb1f1a wrote

I’m from NC myself, I haven’t been here long but I can say I don’t notice an acute difference on “bad air quality” days. Granted I don’t work outside or anything so that may make a difference, but I do have asthma and it’s not exacerbated by the low air quality.

As far as winter weather goes, while I can say I have honestly seen more instances of snow already this year than I’m used to seeing back home (mostly flurries, but still), the temperature has more or less lined up with what I’d be experiencing in North Carolina. It’s mostly just been weird to rework the part of my brain that says “snow means you don’t have to go to work.”


rush2ryme OP t1_iu5zfds wrote

I’m specifically looking for rehearsal spaces, not to demo gear so I’ll definitely check out Ralph’s! I already own my dream kit, I just left it back in North Carolina because my mom has a house and room to store it whereas I am living in a small duplex. But I’ve missed playing! Thank you for the suggestion!