
rustyphish t1_j87qmir wrote

> Compare it to homosexuality

I mean, that would be ridiculous lol

For some reason, whenever these discussions pop up people only ever address highly functioning autistic people. Autism at its most severe can leave humans completely incapable of taking care of themselves without a full-time guardian. Level 3 autism often presents as completely nonverbal, and with little/no control over motor function.


rustyphish t1_j87qffp wrote

> Severe autism and can’t interact with others in the exact way corporate structure wants? No promotion for you. You’re annoying! Go die now.

I agree with you in general, but this is a wild misframing of what "severe" autism is. On the most severe end of the spectrum, you have completely nonverbal wards of the state who don't have basic motor function. It can be crippling.