
rwilcox t1_jaeja07 wrote

Sadly “change” probably means letting some half PTSDed veteran (elder) Millennial get a teaching job with a handshake and $25k/year

Sooo many Iraq/Afghanistan war vets in PA… (really wish our way of treating vets was better than thoughts and prayers and hope 7 deployments Over There didn’t duck you up too much LOL let’s close some VAs)


rwilcox t1_j18fyhk wrote

In general a third party provider may use alternative energy sources. It’s heavily implied that Eversource is increasing prices because of the increased price of natural gas making electric generation more expensive for them.

But, if you have a nuke (to pick one) heavy provider, theoretically they’re decoupled from that cost. They could keep their prices lower in an effort to gain market share (or jack them up too because increase shareholder value.

(I did some analysis specifically on Constellation earlier…)


rwilcox t1_ixaxnx0 wrote

For Constellation their scam seems to be growth of consumer demand that leads to them cornering a bunch of energy output from nuke plans coming online between now and 2040 (when a bunch of their licenses expire). And perhaps pivoting that growth into alternative energy sources (hydrogen?) when those plans come online. So the grow and monopolize play/scam.

This, coupled with money from the government from the Inflation Reduction Act (good scam, having the government pay for your growth) is likely their short term play. Their market fundamentals seem a bit shakey (they're giving dividends, even though they are small ones, WTF)... and who knows what their customer support story is, etc etc

Of course there's the ever present raise rates after the contract renewal scam.

I would love to see their distributed energy play ala solar, better use of capital in general which is likely to bite them, and I personally believe the future is distributed vs centralized and that's likely to get them over the next 3-30 years. I dislike not knowing their short term plan: how are they going to drive growth in Q1 2023... but global gas/oil energy markets may make that very easy to be nuke heavy (sit back, relax while people come to you).

But it's also not a reduction of bills - I'll probably pay a little bit more than I'm currently paying, but it will avoid me paying more when Eversource hikes its rates EOY. So it won't leave me money left over in my budget, but it will avoid (a majority of) a bill increase.

That's just from 15 minutes of analysis. It sounds like maybe a reasonable play, or a stopgap this winter until I can dump them (thanks no cancellation fee CT??!) for my own solar install????



rwilcox t1_ixaixsv wrote

If that’s all they’re doing then they are playing capitalism wrong and it’s likely an SEC violation. Or your’re the sucker at the table. LOL.


rwilcox t1_ixacxhn wrote

Ok, but where’s the scam?

Obviously in providing a cheaper service they’re looking to make it up on the backside, or offering a less reliable or less longevity service, or are trying to take out the market leader or IDK sign me up for an ad network, to lock me into a higher rate at a later date, or me to somehow “be” the product.

Soooooooooooo…. Which is it? Why aren’t they just charging what Eversource is charging and pocketing the rest for profit (“oh this darn inflation!”)