
rwtr00 OP t1_iudr180 wrote

No it was optional for me to take it before a procedure to remove a fibroid. It reduced it's size before surgery.

No known add or ever suspected.

People i know well. Yes. I'm less anxious about doing as any lack of fluidity is something they know me for. But still get lost finding a particular word.


rwtr00 OP t1_iucym8x wrote

I'm in my 30s so hope not. It's only alarming in the sense that i don't observe anyone around me having the same issues.

Anecdotally people on the web I've heard say that they are starting to feel like this as a result of having been in lockdown.


rwtr00 OP t1_iucxesr wrote

I've spoken to the doctor about the impact of the meds and they said any negative effects should not have been an issue a couple of months after coming off.

I've heard about that book but thought it was about being more sociable. How could it help with speech?

Speaking aloud more and recording, will give it a try, thanks.


rwtr00 OP t1_iubfyzj wrote

I read a lot formally worded content in my line of work every day, though i think this adds to the issue maybe - i can very effectively skim read to get to the key points.

Trying to read more fiction wise, difficult to concentrate sometimes. Reading out loud sounds like great tip and may improve focus. Will try this, thanks.