
s1ngular1ty2 t1_j0gly2u wrote

Nope you can't even send info FTL. You don't understand this at all.


Here is a well known expert proving you are wrong and I'm right. Weird...

Look him up on Wikipedia..

You believe you can from bad articles from other people who don't understand these subjects and from TV and movies which get everything wrong.


s1ngular1ty2 t1_j0gkr0h wrote

But we've seen one. We've never seen anything going FTL and we've done countless particle collisions and have seen countless extremely violent things in space with our telescopes that would completely blow your mind.

And nothing we've ever seen points to FTL being possible in the slightest.

We've also never come up with a method of traveling FTL on paper either using our best physics.

FTL is impossible.


s1ngular1ty2 t1_j0gklfg wrote

I don't care what you believe. I'm telling you facts. FTL is impossible and just because you don't understand this doesn't mean it isn't true.

We have an extremely developed understanding of physics that hasn't changed dramatically in 100 years when it comes to FTL travel. It is not likely to ever change either.

FTL is just impossible.


s1ngular1ty2 t1_j0gkd6w wrote

You are again equating something we didn't understand to something we do understand and know is impossible. Splitting the atom wasn't impossible because it happens naturally in nature all the time. Fusion also happens in stars naturally all the time and we can see it.

NO ONE has ever seen anything moving FTL in any experiment or anywhere in nature.

It is impossible.


s1ngular1ty2 t1_j0gk4ou wrote

Equating FTL to flying is the worst possible argument and often cited by people who have to clue what they are talking about. A child can fold a piece of paper and make if fly. It is that easy.

We know FTL is impossible and wormholes can not be used for FTL travel. Professors give lectures on this to college kids. It is that well understood at this point.

General relativity hasn't really changed much for over 100 years and it limits FTL travel and how wormholes work.

It's not changing. FTL is impossible.


s1ngular1ty2 t1_j0gjupg wrote

It's not arrogance to say FTL is impossible with our understanding of physics because it is. There is also no observations of ANYTHING ever moving FTL from any experiment or space observation. This kind of implies it's impossible.

You have a laymans understanding of physics. We have a VERY GOOD understanding of most things. We can predict what the universe looked like less than a fraction of a second after the big bang and have proof of this from particle colliders.

Our physics is EXTREMELY good. There are very few questions left that would change our understanding in a such a profound way that suddenly FTL is possible.

You can hope as much as you want, but the probability of FTL ever being possible is next to zero.


s1ngular1ty2 t1_j0gjeam wrote

We know they aren't perfect but that doesn't change the fact they are very accurate about most things. Unless we discover something completely outside of what we know (very unlikely) then FTL will remain impossible.

I can say maybe unicorns will be possible one day. That doesn't mean unicorns will ever exist.

You have to have proof of a thing before claiming it is possible and we have never seen anything moving FTL and our physics says it is impossible by any means so it's likely impossible.

There is zero evidence pointing to it being possible.

If you have any evidence it may be possible then you'd have a compelling argument, but you don't, because no one does.


s1ngular1ty2 t1_j0gita9 wrote

No I mean all FTL methods are impossible... Cause they are all impossible...Wormholes can not be used for FTL travel or even FTL communication and we already know this. You just don't know this. The experts are giving lectures on this to college kids every year.

You need to educate yourself before going around saying what is possible and what isn't.

Warp drive isn't possible either because no warp drive has a means to get to FTL. You don't just turn it on and magically travel at FTL speeds. YOu still have to accelerate from rest to FTL and none of the proposed warp drive ideas have a means of doing this. I can link you a video proving this if you want. Not like you'd watch it anyway because you are brainwashed by sci-fi and think everything is possible.
