
s3ldom t1_iqml8zl wrote

A company I worked for long ago paid for several of us, in sales/biz dev related roles, to attend one of these seminars.

For the first 30-40 minutes, you could see that Zig was building the audience up for his big "reveal" of how to be successful, etc.

I went along with his hokey mannerisms and outdated vernacular in hopes that there was something useful to be gained here, some way that I could find a kennel of knowledge to do better in my job.

Well, turns out that you just need to do what the bible says and you will be successful. His whole pitch was "be a good Christian" and success will follow.

I got up and walked out at that point. There was probably another 45 minutes to go and I was just so pissed that I had wasted time on that bs, because the job was difficult and I was working 100% commission and really was hoping to gain an edge. Worst presentation ever.