
sailboat198476 t1_ix3bv3v wrote

I was a victim of rhode islands predatory system growing up I was in custody of my mom who was an evil woman.

The state railed my dad for money payments everything. And after they convicteds my mom of fraud they made him pay 1/2 of the debt as well even tho he was co pletely innocent

RI family court and judges are completely unchecked with no over sight and can make any ruling without evidence and cause


sailboat198476 t1_iu0d4kj wrote

Unless you know a guy and pay his mob tax to pass you even tho ur car fails. I'm a state inspector, all it serves is to check your check engine light and make you dump money into a car, or to get you In trouble for tint. Literally that's it.

99% of state inspectors do not check anything other than the engine light and tint.

Has zero to do with saftey. 99% of roads in masschusetts aren't in good enough condition for your car. Pot holes damage suspension, damage rims damage tires damage winsheilds with gravel.