
saintpetejackboy t1_j91i0ts wrote

You misread, or I explained bad, sorry. I am not anti vaxx and I have taken every vaccine except the COVID vaccine.

If I hadn't had COVID numerous times by the time the vaccine came out, I would have DEFINITELY taken it.

I am about as pro vaxx as you can get, it just isn't for me. In my own personal scenario, I also have an underlying kind of autoimmune disorder (a vicious chronic urticaria that primarily manifests through any rapid change in body temperature, that has left me hospitalized and unable to breathe when I was younger).

Catching COVID any of the numerous times I have had it also caused me some kind of cardiovascular problems and gave me basically POTS (which seems to have maybe cleared up) and worse shit.

It is super annoying when people go "you should have taken the vaccine!", as before the vaccine was available, people like me were already catching the virus and having recovered. I remember getting tested and having both active virus and antibodies, and the logic back then just a few years ago was "lol to can't get the same virus twice, so you obviously didn't have it the first time".

By first time, I mean in January of 2021, I was hospitalized with a debilitating cough that was crippling me and making it impossible to breathe. They chalked it up to an "unknown viral infection" and sent me home. Keep in mind, my very good friend was also very sick and had just come back from Italy.

Living in Florida around a ton of people who absolutely refuse to wear masks or gloves or anything doesn't help at all for trying to avoid stuff like that. :)

But yeah, for clarification, I am not anti vaxx.


saintpetejackboy t1_j90gjve wrote

What if you didn't try to do either? Nobody should try to get infected. Uninfected people should get vaccines. People that had coronavirus a dozen times probably don't need the vaccine.

Imagine COVID 19 is the black plague. Imagine the vaccine is blood letting. If I had the black plague and recovered - I probably don't need to let the doctor bleed me.

Vaccine doesn't prevent infection. Vaccine also could carry risks, even theoretical. If you say "vaccine is risk free!" Then you are just taking random nonsense.

There are always risks.

Even at .0000000001%.

No medication is 100% safe None.

If you had coronavirus before, the vaccine might not be for you: it is a compound risk (no matter how small)

This is not politics. You can userleans me if you want. These are facts. Nobody should be forced to get any kind of medical procedure, including a vaccine.

Liberals are always heavy on assisted suicide, abortion, and other stuff: why not let crazy old people catch covid and die to reduce the burden on social security and other entitlement programs? If they are dumb enough to refuse vaccine and die of covid, who the fuck are YOU to force them to make only decisions you agree with?

That's right: nobody. So sit down, shut up, fight your virus (or take your vaxx!) And stop trying to worry about the next person and what they chose to do and what their solutions were.

If the vaccine prevented you from catching the virus or spreading it, this would be a different conversion. It doesn't.


saintpetejackboy t1_j90g093 wrote

I been catching COVID since before they knew what it was. I think successive infections are, like as you say, indicative of other problems.

The issue is that COVID seems to also cause myocarditis or other cardiovascular problem.

I never took vaccine but pretend I had COVID three times and took a vaccine and then had a heart attack: liberal say COVID killed me and idiots say vaccine killed me. I think it is more complex than that.

This virus seems to temporarily destroy your normal cardiovascular response to situations. The fact that some vaccine may exhibit the same behavior is no reason to avoid them: you can't avoid covid.

Your options are: know you can survive COVID and fall back on millions of years of evolution.


Get a vaccine and rely on state of the art science to prevent you from dying.

If I didnt have COVID so many times before vaccine, as a person that had it, I would be first in line. COVID is no joke. Not getting a vaccine because you vote Republicans is also a funny and hilarious joke called Herman Caine award.

Most people reading this probably could get COVID and be fine. A small percent would fucking die. If you never had it, stay up on your vaccines. If you keep catching COVID, the vaccine is just another risk to take and is a slap on the face to the millions years arms race between viruses and regular life.

When viruses slap back against vaccines like bacteria does against antibiotics, I want to trust million years old technology versus decades old theories and ideas.

If it is your time, it is your time.


saintpetejackboy t1_j6a6w26 wrote

Only some code is presented to the client on the front end. A lot of the heavy lifting is done on the backend using code that the browser is unaware of.

In addition, most interactions you have with websites involve databases of information. Without having your own similar mirror of data, the code is largely functionless.

Many years ago, web development classes would often have people build a "pizza ordering website", using HTML and eventually CSS - form fields, etc. - but those are just a facade... They rarely actually did anything tangible or saved data anywhere until you got further.

Copying the source code of most websites is going to give you fairly poor results, go ahead and try it, it is basically just stealing the non-working pizza ordering UI, at best case scenario.


saintpetejackboy t1_j5i5bes wrote

I like this post. I've been developing proprietary software pretty much my whole life and I learned a long time ago to take things at a relaxed pace. I'll work to burnout and crush the tasks of entire teams, solo. The worst part about all of that, though is:

1.) Some management or clients will then come to expect the same performance 24/7/365

2.) Most projects never actually "end". You just unlock more work, known as scope creep :/.

If the task was: "Hey, move these bricks to the other side of that patio", you could look at the pile of bricks and know how close you were to getting finished.

Software development and a lot of other IT jobs are more akin to somebody saying "Hey, move every third brick to the other side of that patio and stack them in the shape of a tesseract", and you look over to the pile of bricks, which happens to just be an endless interdimensional vortex vomiting "brick-like" shapes that make it hard to tell when you've actually encountered the third "brick"... you begin doing all this, knowing full well that there is no way to eventually stack them into the shape of a tesseract.


saintpetejackboy t1_j1kusv7 wrote

I think there are other problems with stasis - we aren't really built to do that. The cognitive process during that time would need to be thoroughly investigated - are you just in some long dream? Do you cycle in and out of dreams? Each person might react different and extending the period may introduce additional physiological and psychological concerns.

Based on what we typically see with comas, I'd estimate we could do something like 5 years kind of safely - but beyond that, probably pushing insanity or coming back as what is essentially an invalid.