
samanime t1_jdyhw3h wrote

Reply to comment by asap_pdq_wtf in Dolly Parton 1970s by down_bears

Yeah. She's one of only a small number of celebrities that are truly admirable. I think a lot of people with her kind of personality just act like that, but I truly believe she really is just that genuine and sincere. If more celebrities acted like she did, I think the world would be a much better place.


samanime t1_jd37d3q wrote

A lot of people stayed on those old versions for a REALLY long time (some probably still are), but they just got too old for most so they had to cave in since it was the only real option.

Adobe isn't too bad. $60/mo for the master collection, which used to be $3k, so it is actually cheaper if you upgraded more than every 5 years.

3D/CAD software is crazy though. Some are priced as much as if you upgraded every year, or more, which nobody was doing.


samanime t1_jd2wh44 wrote

This is exactly it. In addition, it costs Google pennies per user (on the high-end) to give it for free, so it doesn't really cost them anything to give it for free to those who wouldn't pay otherwise, while also greatly increasing the likelihood that companies will pay them to use it for their businesses.

It's a win-win.


samanime t1_jd2w64m wrote

Yeah, and not just Microsoft. Students can usually buy* software for tens of dollars a year what pros have to pay thousands a year for (like 3D/CAD software) because companies really want students used to their software vs their competitors.

  • It used to be buy, but now that everything is subscription-based, they're really only leasing it.

samanime t1_j32ta8h wrote

Yeah. Which made a big difference in the effect... but I still had it off 99% of the time. Even a super fancy, advanced, works perfectly every time and in all conditions... I just can't see how it would useful at all compared to the tools we currently have.


samanime t1_j31559t wrote

Yeah. I also tend to laugh in serious situations. Some people misinterpret that as not taking the situation seriously, but that isn't the case. You can take a situation seriously without having to go full-on moribund or stone-faced. And helping to slightly diffuse serious situations with laughter can also lead to more level-headed thinking when dealing with it.


samanime t1_j0gtntq wrote

I'm a firm believer that anyone could be a successful developer if they were determined enough.

But having that determination and the necessary patience to stick with it long enough to gain the requisite skills is a challenge that not everyone is interested in.


samanime t1_iya3bwq wrote

Slavery =/= involuntary servitude and slavery =/= forced labor (though slavery can involved forced labor)

All forced labor is not slavery. Community service is involuntary servitude, repaying a debt to society for a crime.

They are different. I'm not the one confused.

And even if the US Constitution said otherwise, that wouldn't alter the plain language understanding of the terms for the whole world. The US =/= the world.


samanime t1_iy9t0eq wrote

The Constitution doesn't say that doing "involuntary servitude" makes you a slave. It is just outlawing both, other than in cases of punishment for a crime.

Being a slave generally means you are treated as the property of someone. You can be forced to perform labor without being considered someone's property.

Also, I was talking in general, plain language sense, not in the sense of a legal definition in a single country...


samanime t1_ist7iar wrote



And I certainly wasn't thinking they would replace undersea cables. That seems to be a no-brainer that they'd be the way to go whenever possible. I was just curious if they'd be economical as a supplement, or for locations where running a cable wouldn't make sense (such as smaller islands).

Sounds like without some radically new battery chemistries to crank up the density, it wouldn't make much sense.


samanime t1_isspi48 wrote

If they had significant reusability, they don't necessarily need to be cheap. And shipping container cargo ships can carry a crazy amount of weight, so they don't necessarily have to be light either.

A quick Google shows that those cargo ships normally carry about 24,000 TEU (the containers), and looks like each can weigh about 24 metric tons, which means a ship can carry, which is a little over half a million tons. That's a lot of battery power, even if they are heavy and not particularly dense.


samanime t1_issli47 wrote

In this case though it is a little interesting, because it isn't really "storage" in the normal sense. It is more about how to maximize volume/weight and then be able to empty it out, like a jug of water, all at once.

Though, I suppose you could go more classic and just have two sets of batteries and you swap them with each shipment. Deliver full batteries and return the empties to get refilled.

The whole great battery race though is really interesting. Hopefully, eventually, some of the more fantastical claims will start bearing fruit outside of a lab. =)


samanime t1_isshbpy wrote

Which also makes me wonder, if we were to fill those giant shipping containers with batteries, I wonder if you could get anywhere close to economical levels of using batteries as a shipping "container" for electricity. We'd probably need a different chemistry (one that is better suited for rapid charging and discharging), but it is an interesting thought.


samanime t1_isshbgy wrote

This could be a really positive step for green energy, as well as a good economic move for Australia.

It's also a pretty decent idea. Farm solar power (or wind/hydro/etc.) in places that are best suited for it, then distribute it globally to those that can't.

It sounds a bit crazy at first, but we already have truckloads of cables running around the world to power Internet and whatnot. Wouldn't be so difficult to ship electricity in a similar way. Better than shipping oil.