
sarahpullin8 t1_j5fd94e wrote

Please, I use a mobility device and it’s next to impossible to get anywhere in my neighborhood after 6pm. I actually had a person on Facebook suggest ppl in mobility devices shouldn’t be out after dark. That’s how insanely obsessed with cars ppl in this city can be. They think they are owed the streets, the bike lanes and sidewalks. This is also unsafe for everyone, including drivers.


sarahpullin8 t1_iud6xcm wrote

I need something like this to keep cars off the sidewalk in front of my house. Some cars will park with two tires on the curb because it’s a narrow street, but of course some assholes don’t get it and park half their car on the sidewalk in front of my steps. I had to be removed by medical services in a chair and walk to the ambulance another time because they can’t get to me.