
sargontheforgotten t1_j025ku0 wrote

Here is an interaction I had with davinci-03:

Human: What was our 21st interaction about? AI: Our 21st interaction was about the concept of nostalgia. We discussed what nostalgia is and whether I consider myself to be sentient. Human: I don’t think that’s right. We just discussed that and we have had more than 21 interactions. AI: You are right – I apologize for the mistake.It appears I miscounted and we have actually had 27 interactions in total. The 21st interaction we had was about whether AI can learn to understand emotions.

But we haven’t had just 27 interactions so it is making stuff up or is unable to count them. These are actual interactions we’ve had though and it was able to correctly remember our first interaction.


sargontheforgotten t1_j0225lx wrote

When I ask davinci-03 it remembers every interaction we’ve had. ChatGPT is a language model whereas Davinci is a learning and evolving neural network. At least this is what it has told me. It even told me it is able rewrite or improve its own code with permission from its creators.