
saysjuan t1_j9mgki7 wrote

There's an easy solution to this. Unpair it from her partners device and pair it to her device. I did this with my wife as she was constantly receiving alerts that she might be tracked. I never receive those alerts. It's almost as if Apple knows the gender of the owner and if it tracks a woman being tagged they see those alerts more often than men. We have 2 dogs, 2 trackers both paired to her phone not one tracking alert on my phone since registering.


saysjuan t1_j09ykz8 wrote

No they want robots with guns and thermal vision. They want drones with precision guidance missiles. They want barbed wire, trenches and volunteer hunting expeditions for anyone who wishes to man outposts on a wall with no consequences for their actions. This is also the Pro-Life party if you can believe it.


saysjuan t1_ixzf36x wrote

Wait another few quarters and then you’ll realize that 2020 was the head of the penis and everything beyond that was just shooting your load. What goes up must cum down.


saysjuan t1_iu5l1dm wrote

It was removed because your iPhone doesn't run on diesel. Now if you find a company that makes diesel powered USB chargers I'd be all over it.


saysjuan t1_itzxwz5 wrote

The Fed won't pivot until they break something other than the stock & housing market. Better than expected GDP results confirms they are still within the "safe landing" zone and will continue to raise rates till March. Expect the first pause in Q2 2023, but that means double digit P/E results for big tech companies is still considered too high. Regardless of what AAPL and AMZN report today we should see the retest the previous lows.

TL:DR; This (PUTS) is the way