
sbucks2121 t1_iydjfls wrote

Alright... cut all the drama out from this situation. It comes down to a simple question. She has shown you who she is. Aside from all of the mistakes and communication challenges, are you willing to spend the rest of your life with someone exhibiting this behavior? Only you have the answer to that question. Just know that if you choose to continue without compromise, the situation doesn't change. Are you OK with accepting these personality traits?

You can spend all the time in the world asking the internet what is normal, but every relationship is different. Things that bother you may not be an issue for others.

If you are still interested in my random opinion, here goes...

She does not respect you and uses emotion to manipulate you into behavior she finds acceptable. She is not mature enough to handle adult conversations around money and relationships. While there are a million different types of relationships, there are only a handful of healthy communication strategies. All of these strategies involve conversation, reviewing compromises, and moving forward. You cannot grow in your relationship if you do not employ these tactics.