
schillerstone t1_jcd2tld wrote

"advanced" recycling used to be called by what it is: chemical recycling , until they realized that doesn't test well.

Did you miss the news about the Ohio plastic chemicals train crash, one of the biggest environmental disasters the country has ever experienced? Chemical recycling is a scam and needs to be outlawed


schillerstone OP t1_jcbvnrq wrote

This context is super helpful to know what they are saying , they being "utility officials'" . Such a study needs to be completed by a neutral public policy think tank.

"utility officials said it probably doesn't make sense to bury them to try to prevent power outages."

Key word here is "probably "

If 400k residents lost power, and their trouble was worth $100 a day, there you have 40milliion dollars. Airlines get penalized for late flights. The math changes depending on what they measured.example: public policy demanding customer rebates by outage day would change the math.


schillerstone OP t1_jcbv9a3 wrote

This context is super helpful to know what they are saying , they being "utility officials'" . Such a study needs to be completed by a neutral public policy think tank.

"utility officials said it probably doesn't make sense to bury them to try to prevent power outages."

Key word here is "probably "

If 400k residents lost power, and their trouble was worth $100 a day, there you have 40milliion dollars. Airlines get penalized for late flights. The math changes depending on what they measured.example: public policy demanding customer rebates by outage day would change the math.


schillerstone OP t1_jcbjtqj wrote

Did you see my edited link above that outages are costing the us economy $150 BILLION a year.

What is the value of a life lost because of failed oxygen machines ? Would your opinion change if we had wind storms monthly? Wind is speeding up and will continue to.

Ironically, cutting trees can mess up wind patterns and cause micro bursts.

Curing cancer costs a lot too but no one is giving up


schillerstone OP t1_jcbg80g wrote

I took a graduate level economic course in the spring of 2022 and I was shocked to learn how economic theory works. It's not what you think. Example, I put a car worth 12k on sale for 15k. You buy the car for 16k, who loses ? The car is worth 16k and you don't lose because you wanted to pay that much and so 16k is how much the car is worth to you.

The economic analysis of the value of buried lines would include the value of ALL the activity that relies upon electricity and is lost when it goes out. Materials and labor are not the only measure.


schillerstone OP t1_jcbf5zw wrote

... but all that said, my main concern is the grid and the people facing hardship without electricity (elderly, sick, parents, single people without resources). If OT wasn't a thing because it wasn't needed, there couldn't be abuse of it.

Listen, I am not a hater of working people. Corporate welfare and executive malfeasance (latest banking collapse for example!) Are a much bigger concern of mine. I brought up the OT issue because people in general think it's a wonderful thing to pay people overtime. I think it's a better idea to raise worker pay and let people live stable lives amidst a energy grid with buries lines ☺️


schillerstone OP t1_jcbe1mk wrote

Yes I lost power

My opinion on the "conspiracy" as you call it is based on:

My friend's husband who got a job at Eversource and was second to the driver. He had to ride around all day as the driver shopped and did just about anything other than work. EVERY SINGLE DAY

Second, I personally attended a standing room only rate increase hearing which gave people an opportunity to speak about how they would be greatly negatively affected by the changes. I was in the hall nearby the company union stewards who were all suited up and snickering and laughing openly at all the public speakers. Low class and clearly lobbying on the side of raping the public.

So , yeah. It's not so much a conspiracy as robbery in public view .


schillerstone OP t1_jcbd9eg wrote

No because I know for a fact that burying lines is done all over the world. This means that other people did the analysis and determined it was worth the money.

economic theory measure activities by total value, not absolute dollars. The value of a stable electricity grid, especially considering climate change resiliency, outweighs the lazy status quo and shareholder return that prevents this system upgrade.


schillerstone OP t1_jcb3v5b wrote

Thanks for the details but I am not moved. People literally build homes into blasted ledge everyday. We drill water wells through ledge. We drill for oil and gas everywhere. We mine for metal ores, which is also rock. I mean, what a lame excuse. I think all of the people talking about ledge just remember the times when they personally cannot move something from their yard. We have heavy equipment, sonics drills, and dynamite. This is nothing new.

With your attitude, we'd never have had fiber optic cables, city sewer and water, oil and gas pipelines, etc.


schillerstone OP t1_jcb2tqj wrote

Woah. this truce is exciting

Don't mind me being all heated , I just hate watching America's downfall. I work now work at a very prosperous institution who is investing TONs of money and time into climate change "resiliency" which includes infrastructure changes to protect the grid (this institute is including plans to help the local people during disasters as well).

My Ted Talk Regarding the OT issue. I am for the working man which means that I don't think people should need to work OT for 36 hours straight to be prosperous. Imagine a time when we are proactive and not reactive, people make enough money to not work the equivalent of two jobs, and instead, spend time with family.

The mini pandemic baby boom is due to people being home and not working themselves to death, as has been the norm. Prosperous people have their needs met plus time and money to recreate after just one job. Eversource shareholders must make a minimum of 13% return on investment. Imagine if that money instead went to non executive workers and to safeguard our grid. Close Ted Talk.


schillerstone OP t1_jcaygie wrote

With that attitude, we'd never have running water. Power is an essential utility and should be buried. Period.

Would you like your water lines above ground because it's too expensive to bury? Think about all of the expensive things we've accomplished.

But also, look at my updated post with the economic implications of power outages. Big picture here. It's safer and cheaper for the one time expense of burying them.
