scotticusphd t1_jcgabvg wrote
Reply to comment by atlashoth in Penn Capital Star: Pa. among top states for white supremacist propaganda in 2022 by AntaresBounder
I've driven through. I saw a few too many confederate flags for my comfort, which incidentally is what this thread is about. A crazy amount of poverty, too. It's terribly sad.
scotticusphd t1_jcg7aql wrote
Reply to comment by atlashoth in Penn Capital Star: Pa. among top states for white supremacist propaganda in 2022 by AntaresBounder
There's certainly a lot more to see in Chicago.
scotticusphd t1_jcg62q2 wrote
Reply to comment by atlashoth in Penn Capital Star: Pa. among top states for white supremacist propaganda in 2022 by AntaresBounder
Maybe try a place not ranked near the bottom of everything?
scotticusphd t1_jcg5sk3 wrote
Reply to comment by Safe_Can_6758 in Penn Capital Star: Pa. among top states for white supremacist propaganda in 2022 by AntaresBounder
Yes. They're for people who don't like people.
scotticusphd t1_jcfqk3z wrote
Reply to comment by defusted in Penn Capital Star: Pa. among top states for white supremacist propaganda in 2022 by AntaresBounder
...then closes the door and continues masturbating to banned books.
scotticusphd t1_jcf8qg0 wrote
Reply to Penn Capital Star: Pa. among top states for white supremacist propaganda in 2022 by AntaresBounder
This is why everyone should leave their backwoods little town at some time in their life. It's so you don't end up becoming a small-minded, hateful, misinformed bigot.
scotticusphd t1_ja504r6 wrote
This is the dumbest thing I've heard today.
scotticusphd t1_j9g05ue wrote
Reply to Pa. House Speaker Rozzi headed for clash with Senate Republicans on abuse survivors' bill by ewyorksockexchange
The GOP senators are literally standing in the way of prosecuting pedophiles by negotiating in bad faith. These people are psychopaths.
Contact them and let them know what you think.
scotticusphd t1_j9crdhh wrote
Guns in bars should be illegal. Full stop.
scotticusphd t1_j8mj25h wrote
Reply to Burning Coal Country: Some wondering if underground fire spreading towards homes, businesses in Schuylkill by LeaveThatCatAlone
> PADEP says it began when the town filled an abandoned strip mining pit with residential trash. Then, they intentionally lit the trash on fire. ... because there was not a non-combustible barrier in place, the fire spread from the trash to the exposed Buck Mountain Coal seam in the pit, and it's been burning underground ever since.
I had no idea that's how the Centralia fire started. This reads like something from the Idiocracy script.
scotticusphd t1_j76l0vj wrote
Reply to comment by FreedomToBearHotdogs in Family found dead in Pennsylvania made a 'joint decision' to kill themselves, police say by JustMyOpinionz
For me, it's decades of being told that I'm going to hell by people who don't understand basic science and who look the other way when their religious leaders rape children. I grew up in a Baptist church full of people who claimed to follow the teachings of Christ while being small-minded and mean to people who look different than them.
I didn't have that same experience in any other group I participated in later in life. There are dumb, spiteful people everywhere but Christian churches seem to aggregate them.
There is also the fact that they believe in what's obviously a fairytale. Being a devout Christian says a lot about the state of your mind and whether or not you live in reality.
scotticusphd t1_j6a04tl wrote
scotticusphd t1_j28lbzx wrote
Reply to Asked to conserve electricity on Christmas eve. What is even going on anymore by CoolHandMike
We're roughly the same age and the world population has nearly doubled since our childhood. People have too many kids and consume at a rate that exceeds our planet's capacity to sustainably provide.
Just because some dickhead doesn't take their responsibility seriously doesn't mean you're off the hook for your contributions to sharing resources. We all have to do our part.
scotticusphd t1_ixx8mmb wrote
Reply to comment by KindKill267 in 1st day of rifle season --- good luck to all you hunters! by Bocephus8892
Semi-automatic rifles are. And letting psychos buy them.
scotticusphd t1_ixwe1xf wrote
Reply to comment by Yourlordensavior in 1st day of rifle season --- good luck to all you hunters! by Bocephus8892
>completely helpless to fight back against the fascist dictator.
The right literally elected someone who attempted to overthrow an election, and nominated a gubernatorial candidate in this state who was a Christian nationalist, you ignorant troll.
If we get to a point when we need to fight our government, it's not going to matter whether or not a particular type of semiautomatic rifle is legal because we'll be at war. Right now I'm more worried about the classrooms full of kids getting shot up by morons with AR-15s.
scotticusphd t1_ixw3ybf wrote
Reply to comment by Yourlordensavior in 1st day of rifle season --- good luck to all you hunters! by Bocephus8892
That's utter horseshit. Most people on the left have no issue with those who hunt, as far as the law is concerned.
Most of us who want increased gun control don't think you need a semi-automatic rifle with a tactical grip to hunt an animal that can't shoot back. And we think the people who claim that they NEED weapons of war to hunt are deep down, scared, weak, gullible people.
scotticusphd t1_iwo1xaf wrote
Reply to comment by Gorpis in Chester County man convicted of 12th DUI: Lancaster DA by sintactacle
You lack an understanding of how the criminal justice system works and what Krasner is trying to do. That whole "innocent until proven guilty" thing is an an important part of our constitution.
scotticusphd t1_iwnowz0 wrote
Reply to Democrat takes lead in 151st Pa. House seat; a win there gives Dems a nominal claim to House majority by Mijbr090490
I wonder if the GOP candidates on the bad side of a close election will argue that undated ballots should be counted...
Honestly, they should be, but it's so upsetting that they double down on voter suppression when it suits them. They're terrible people.
scotticusphd t1_iwn0utv wrote
Maybe we should impeach the Lancaster DA.
scotticusphd t1_ivt3fwn wrote
Reply to comment by feelin_beachy in Pennsylvania Seventh Congressional District Election Results by Bad_Pnguin
"Stand up to" and "attack" are pretty different things.
scotticusphd t1_ivt0p21 wrote
Reply to comment by feelin_beachy in Pennsylvania Seventh Congressional District Election Results by Bad_Pnguin
That's fair, but most of us disagree with you which is how democracy is supposed to work.
scotticusphd t1_ivrzrrk wrote
Reply to comment by StarWars_and_SNL in Smiling Fetterman asks Oz if he’d mind slowly repeating concession for 5th time by rollotomasi07071
Listen to Rachel Maddow's podcast on Spiro Agnew... I don't know that those old days we remember we're ever actually a thing.
scotticusphd t1_ivoatre wrote
I don't put political signs on my lawn, but I kind of like knowing which of my neighbors is a Nazi...
scotticusphd t1_ivbuqfk wrote
Reply to comment by IntoTheMirror in To the person who defaced all the Mastriano campaign signs in my neighborhood by phasechanges
Me too,
scotticusphd t1_jcgagbh wrote
Reply to comment by Safe_Can_6758 in Penn Capital Star: Pa. among top states for white supremacist propaganda in 2022 by AntaresBounder
I disagree, which is why I choose to live amongst them.