scwelch t1_jaenagz wrote
Reply to Boston could be first municipality to require stores, restaurants, and hotels to donate leftover food by uxd
Finalize good things happening, glad that Dem governor is in charge
scwelch t1_j9ngukj wrote
scwelch t1_j73fcew wrote
Why not build more asap
scwelch t1_j5r7ixs wrote
Reply to Looks so much worse with snow by willzyx01
Leaking something
scwelch t1_ivm3ges wrote
Reply to comment by McMurphy11 in No doubt he did that by SketchyManOG
scwelch t1_ivm2o9c wrote
Reply to comment by McMurphy11 in No doubt he did that by SketchyManOG
scwelch t1_ivlzhqb wrote
Reply to No doubt he did that by SketchyManOG
Why is he damn happy
scwelch OP t1_ivhsx3w wrote
Reply to comment by ZLBuddha in Didn't know dentists really worry about our dental costs by scwelch
I got it. But seems like most people are unknowingly supporting yes so it will pass
scwelch OP t1_ivhr37e wrote
Reply to comment by ZLBuddha in Didn't know dentists really worry about our dental costs by scwelch
Then… why so many people also support YES?
scwelch OP t1_ivgazpd wrote
Reply to comment by 9Z7EErh9Et0y0Yjt98A4 in Didn't know dentists really worry about our dental costs by scwelch
Sounds like we need to support dentists then
scwelch t1_jedbodw wrote
Reply to I shorted the Nasdaq AMA by Curiousdude925
Why didn’t do micro mnq first?