
sdfsefhsui t1_jamtbms wrote

I'd say so yeah, it's basically 2.0 right now with decentralised technologies. You have gazillion of blockchains, but also distributed data storages like IPFS / Arweave or Secure Multi Party Computation like Nillion. Along with Zero-Knowledge proof stack, it stands to reason you could redo many of the current services (not just payments) in a way which is anonymous and not owned/controlled by a single entity, whether corporate or institutional.

I usually get my hole rinsed on reddit for stating that I am involved in blockchain technology. Yes, right now it is undoubtedly 95% scams, speculations or economically illiterate but I believe that the underlying technology does have long term viability. At worst it will push for CBDC or government programmable money to be more widespread, which at least would be an improvement on what we have now.

I do like the example of Etherisc as a simple showcase of what could be possible. It is a decentralised insurance platform, where right now you can purchase insurance against flight cancellations. Should the flight be cancelled a decentralised network Chainlinkreports to Ethereum the flight number and smart contract pays you out. Unlike traditional insurance (provided there has been security system of all systems involved) there is no way for the smart contract not to pay you out. With companies they can go bankrupt, argue against some technicality or have their own funds frozen due to clerical error.