
seakingsoyuz t1_jef262t wrote

> need the gravity

There have been experiments with pregnant rats that were launched into space and successfully delivered litters afterwards.

Rats born in space struggle to orient themselves right side up in gravity, but they figure it out in a few days.

From what I can find, there haven’t been any experiments on conception or zygote implantation in space, but that’s because they can’t get the rats to figure out how to bang in zero gravity, not because of any specific reason it shouldn’t work.

This is a little reminiscent of the NASA scientists who were convinced that microgravity would interfere with Sally Ride’s menstrual cycle.


seakingsoyuz t1_j809hcw wrote

> that she unknowingly signed when she was 12

Minors can’t execute a power of attorney so this shouldn’t have been enforceable. Only their parent(s)/guardian(s) can execute it, and they generally expire after six months to a year. This sounds like they were trying to use a meaningless document to bluff.


seakingsoyuz t1_j643jkh wrote

I’m not that old, but I remember that, when I was young, “human-controlled robotic hand that can grab objects” was the absolute cutting edge of mechatronic engineering. Now high school students can build a dextrous prosthetic for their classmate. How far we’ve come.


seakingsoyuz t1_j5la4r5 wrote

This is total speculation, but anyway:

Underground warfare made a brief resurgence in WW1, because the front lines in Flanders were on top of soft chalk and the trench lines meant that the Western Front devolved into siege warfare. Counter-mining was also a serious concern, so the troops digging the tunnels would sometimes drill holes, soak the rock with vinegar to soften it further, then scrape away the top layer and repeat. This was a lot quieter than just hacking away with a pick.