
sec713 t1_j5wsnui wrote

IMO it really boils down to if there are games on Xbox that you really want to play and can't get on PS. That and if you have the time to split between games on multiple systems. That last thing is why I choose to stay with XBox for the time being, at least. I have a PS3, but I almost never finished games on that console because so much of my time was being spent on my 360 or XB1.


sec713 t1_j3xp7lf wrote

It's almost like Microsoft is running a business or something. How dare they maintain a revenue stream that enables them to financially support their network and invest in updates and improvements! I bet if there's money leftover, they pay their shareholders dividends. Those nefarious bastards!



sec713 t1_ixrwnu3 wrote

If my Switch was my only console, I'd be upset with the purchase. It makes a great supplementary gaming device, but it leaves a whole lot to be desired as a primary gaming device. In your case, if you're not interested in Nintendo IPs, there's almost no reason to have a Switch. Any other system will play multiplatform games better than a Switch and won't have as janky of an online play system.