
senorDerp911 t1_j2dtbum wrote

As long as economics and finance are justified by human greed your considerations of helping other humans is worthless. Now you say cultivate but it seems that you will be imposing your reason for your own reward. That reward, perhaps could be nice words of recognition, perhaps a best economist of the year plaque, etc. Your own greed of wanting to help is nothing more than just another flavor of individual greed.


senorDerp911 t1_j2dr52m wrote

Everyone loves their individuality yet no individual matters in the whole. People are not in this world to help the societal group they live in, they are in this world to exploit their individuality until they reach a point where they are looking down the societal group. You are here to be better than your neighbor you just mask your individuality with different traits that you learned just to reach your individual goal.

Everyone loves their individuality but we fail to see that we aren’t free thinking individuals. Your individuality depends on others and the environment.

You lost your individuality the moment you gain consciousness.