
sgt_josh t1_iznc0hw wrote

American Roots is based out of Maine and makes everything in-house from US materials. I found out about them because the employees are fellow union members of United Steelworkers District 4. I’ve been rocking one of their Defender hoodies for a few years now and it’s still my go-to. Check them out. Not quite Vermont, but close enough in my book.


sgt_josh OP t1_irh4wq4 wrote

Prior to the Holstein being built, that was a town road called Hudson Street, which actually connected to Reed Street (via a 90-deg right turn at the top of the hill). There were 3 houses on it; one of which was the childhood home of my former boss's grandpa. He said they'd sit back on the front porch and watch all the happenings on Main Street every day. Must've been pretty rad.


sgt_josh OP t1_irgx10z wrote

I work in town every day. I don't doubt it for a second.

(Although I have never been catcalled in Bratt; only once in P-town [which I was honestly a bit of a morale booster given the sheer volume of ripped, shirtless dudes there 😆]).