
shadowstar36 t1_j0lodfr wrote

Yep. All that social distancing (which they made up the whole 6' number) and lockdown/closures, really did a number on kids immune system, let alone mental and social health. It sucked that it felt like a cult. Especially the people who pushed for censorhip (a lot of people on reddit are all for censorhip, deplatforming, and corporate and gov authoritarianism)

I know some of the measures were needed, but the censorhip of doctors and health professionals was crazy. Also the cult like mentality to label people basically heretics if they disagreed.


shadowstar36 t1_j0lmes1 wrote

I read from someone that it wasn't even the state, as that was my first thought too. You'd thi k it was them for liability issues or some screatching "think of the children" types... But apparently it was a property owner who owns all the land there who did it. Don't know why someone would buy that land and just sit on it. Either way it sucks, but I don't know who actually did it or owns said property.


shadowstar36 t1_j0lltz0 wrote

Been there twice since the destruction of an amazing place. . I was furious the first time I seen it as I wanted to show my new girlfriend (at the time), and it was covered with mounds. Really horrible as I had talked the trip up and explained the history. Before you could walk the road and see smoke. Assholes. This wasn't doing harm to anyone. It also, I'm sure, brought much needed tourism to the small town of Ashland next door. How many people would make the homage to Centralia and then go get food in Ashland or check out the pioneer coal mine tour. Idiots. Whoever ordered this is a selfish moron, who just wanted to ruin fun for 1000s of people. I went every few years. Took multiple people there and had a fun time each time. Now what's the point?

Now it's just dirt, no smoke, no highway. Shit I didn't care about the graffiti I just liked seeing the smoke rise. Now there is nowhere in Centralia to even see it. If you want graffiti there is an abandoned bridge outside Reading, that has that. Also abandoned turnpike tunnels and I'm sure 100s of other locations. No other place had burning coal mine road with earthquake, dystopian novel looking highway. Grrr....

No fun allowed anymore. Screw PA gov, the Township, the property owner (if there is one, they shouldnt own a whole ghost town/highway)... This should of been made a state park or attraction.

The one remaining person living there complained about quads and bikes, if I recall, these mounds won't do shit to stop 4 wheelers and dirt bikes. They will just ride over them. All it does is stop enjoyment for the rest of us. If you can't tell, I loved Centralia. The lore, the vibes, the history. No where like it anywhere.


shadowstar36 t1_j0ik4hs wrote

That's racist. We should be beyond race based policy. You vote best person for the job, or do you think black men should only vote for other black people, whites for other whites, etc.. That's a racist worldview and should have no bearing in USA circa 2022.

So you think a white guy can't represent a constituency that votes him in? Obviously if they voted said person in then they have faith in him to represent them politically. Your skin color doesn't matter, nor your sex, or sexuality, etc..


shadowstar36 t1_j0ijaje wrote

Those years aren't about now. Who was in charge in 1892 has no bearing to today. You don't punish people for "sins of the father". Or guilt by association. Those are very racist world view concepts. Just like San fransicsco only giving money to poor black people excluding white, Asian, Latino people. That homeless white guy on the street suffering from mental illness or some disability is just as need as the black guy, yet San Francisco only gives its universal income aid to the non white person, why they elected racists. We have this going on right now in San Fran., look it up. I hope it gets struck down in courts as unconstitutional.

Why is one person in more need then the other. Why leave one homeless when both can be helped. Choosing one over the other will a. Breed resentment and b. may lead to violence if it's kept up, c. Cause political instability, d. Is downright racist and wrong.

I actually see people on here that don't want wealth restrictions on who gets aid, only race. So LeBron James gets aid a multi millionaire but some Asian, white, Latino poor folk get jack.

You can't punish current day people for things done by generations past.


shadowstar36 t1_j0cbphp wrote

It probably has nothing to do with what you think it is. This is all about parking and crowds. They recently made parking permit only. The people living there are very mad when people park on the street.

Also Jim Thorpe is a rich persons tourist trap. You aren't going to find any affordable houses there to begin with. People struggling are better off going somewhere else as some of the residents are fing rude.


shadowstar36 t1_j0cb33e wrote

Yep, people who say put it on higher level of gov. aren't thinking about it in common sense terms, but with ideological lenses. Lenses most people are tired of, imo. How anyone woudk want to be controlled by on high is crazy. Imagine they had the power to make laws like that, then what. At least with smaller localities you can move.


shadowstar36 t1_j0ca8s6 wrote

Why do you have to bring politics and especially identity politics into this? . It's so tiring with the..,. " everyone is racist, sexist, bigots,.. Blah blah blah"... That world view can't be fun, it's so negative, and really wasn't a thing until 2014.

Sorry but the world doesn't work like that. It's not all black and white. There are legit reasons why they would do that before pushing out boogieman conspiracy theories of "dats racsssist"... Lol. If there was proof, then that would be different.

This was most likely due to their bad parking situation. Recently they made the whole place permit only parking. When I was there as a visitor and asked a store owner why they did that, they freaked at me. Like how dare I voice complaints about their parking. Apparently they don't want tourists to park on the streets as it's very limited. Instead of blasting some of the mountain away and creating new parking lots, they make crazy laws like this. Has nothing to do with Republicans or racism. Also not all Republicans are racist and not all democrats arent. Most people aren't racist and there can be racists people in every ethnicity.


shadowstar36 t1_j0c7b8x wrote

Jim Thorpe has gone downhill. Last time I was there, a few months back, they had no where to park. You used to be able to park on the street or up past the businesses and walk. It's all now permit only. No visitor parking. Had to go to some over crowded parking lot at the bottom of the hill, across the train tracks, that didn't have an attendant to pay or machine. Had to download a special app and jump through hoops. By the time we parked and got to the store it was about to close with 5 minutes left, they refused to serve us, but served two kids who came after us, awhich they told us they new them... Wtf.. . . As apparently they all like to close up at 5pm. So that left us with one bar to go to, and nothing else, luckily we seen something that had extended hours but it was not what we expected.

Also a lot of the people were rude. My gf wanted to see Harry Potter cafe. They were open after hours, and we thought we lucked out. We waited in line only for the barista telling us she couldn't serve us, to come back in 30 minutes because she was going on break. Sorry you don't go on break when you have a line full of people. I was so pissed. We were the last in line and waited for 20 minutes. Bitch looked at us like we were weird for not blending in. Then I realized that the place wasn't really about Harry Potter it was a weird lgbt poetry club as all the patrons had colored hair and pride flag patches. Almost no Harry Potter stuff besides names of the drinks. We would of stayed and had some drinks, but not with a rude entitled bitch of a barrista saying to us "the customer isn't important".

Yeah, I used to love Jim Thorpe, but not anymore. It doesn't surprise me they would pull something like this. They are very weird with the parking. It's like maybe make more parking lots, dig out the mountain for it, oh and don't close everything at 5pm. Nowhere else closes up everything so early.
