
shaggy908 t1_jamkqk3 wrote

> Ethan Michael Asbach, 20, of Tenino and a 17-year-old female from Rochester were both recommended for charges of first-degree manslaughter and animal cruelty. Officials said the two told police they heard what they thought was a wild animal and fired a single shot, later finding a man and his dog dead, before continuing their hike and leaving the woods the next day.

I’m no police detective but this seems pretty straight forward. Get the gun from this kid and test it to see if it is a match to the bullet found in Aaron. What am I missing here?


shaggy908 t1_j4dokkg wrote

Reply to comment by intrepidated in Cost of Land Clearing by intrepidated

Be extra careful taking down those cottonwoods. They are weak ass trees and do really unpredictable things when taking em down. Alders aren’t much better but tend to be smaller.

I’d consider thinking of the wood chips as mulch for that area. You can just spread it around and it’ll decompose in a couple years and return a lot nutrients to the ground. It’s considered best practice in tree care. Just food for thought. You won’t have to pay for hauling away which is a big cost, but you’ll have the added work of spreading out the chips. It’s either your time or your money haha


shaggy908 t1_j48btyt wrote

One thing that nobody has mentioned so far is that a major part of the cost is hauling the debris away. You could have them cut down the trees and run them through a wood chipper and leave it in piles. Cottonwood chips smell amazing!


shaggy908 t1_j41pz8r wrote

Check out the Bellingham area. It’s a cool small city with access to lots of trail systems like Larrabee state park. Olympic peninsula is also good that time of year, you could visit the Quinault and Ho rainforest. Mountains are a no-go that time of year


shaggy908 t1_j3o5m4z wrote

r/Bellingham had a post about someone thinking they were going crazy because they kept hearing a horse by their window in the middle of the night. Later on someone posted asking where they can take their “indoor horse” for night walks. The people of Bham put two and two together and the mystery was solved.


shaggy908 t1_j0reyc6 wrote

I’d highly recommend “Gardening with Native Plants of the Pacific Northwest” by Kruckeberg and Chalker-Scott.

It’s a great resource for anyone on either side of the mountains. There’s good information specific to the Yakima area but it covers a lot more too

Edit: forgot to give r/NativePlantGardening a shout out. Great sub!