
shanoshamanizum OP t1_irba3j9 wrote

>It's interesting how it becomes a game when I bring up specific instances that would falsify your idea, while you gave the other guy a link to anarchist ideas. Why not tell him it's just a game?

It's in the description. He is not offensive and pretending it's a war.

>Once they exist, they'll be cheaper than humans. After all, they never ask for raises, get tired, want benefits, need time off, make mistakes, get distracted, commit fraud, have children, etc. There are already socialist countries around the world. Why haven't they automated away all the menial jobs?

They already exist. What's socialism to do with it?

>They'll only laugh if they don't understand what it means to be in an economy with scarcity. We don't get to a post-scarcity economy by eradicating money and preventing people from doing what they want to do. That's called totalitarianism. Also, most people don't only do things for paper and digits.

Is NFT and crypto an actual scarcity or it's an artificial one?

Where did you see totalitarianism in a completely voluntary non-hierarchical simulation?

Last time I checked rent is paid with paper and digits. The monopoly game for kids.


shanoshamanizum OP t1_iraqwds wrote

I can only guess just like you. Remember this is a game/simulation not a political battle arena :)

>I've not yet found a system better than capitalism to automate boring jobs. Why hasn't that already been done? Why is there no trucker bot? Why is there no janitor bot? Why is there no server bot? Why is there no fruit-picker bot? Why is there no fast food employee bot? Do business owners enjoy employing people for jobs that they hate or is there no other better solution currently?

My guess is that first bots are more expensive than people still. Secondly what do you do when a critical mass is not needed? Quite a philosophical topic.

>Also, are you saying there will be no restaurants, no theme parks, no movie theaters? Will every book be self-published?

I am not Nostradamus all I am proposing is a simulation of an alternative economy which is super easy to be tried and tested right now. I am sure in the future people will laugh at how we used to do things only for paper and digits.


shanoshamanizum OP t1_iradpip wrote

>Good idea. And since people will obviously demand way too much if everything is just available to take, we should also make that system track and calculate the value people are putting back into the economy, so we know that it is sustainable, and people aren't profiting off other people's input.

Practice has shown the opposite effect in fact. When you can have anything anytime it loses sentimental value to you.

Maintaining the scarcity mindset for abundant resources is what keeps the system alive. Just take a look around at digital scarcity.


shanoshamanizum OP t1_iracnik wrote

Most welcome! I thoroughly enjoyed it. Please feel free to bring up things as they come to you. It's this feedback and collaboration that leads to progress.

I find it critical that we react to despair with creativity and out of the box thinking because even with the so called perfect system people die every day from it's inefficiencies and get apathetic to it.


shanoshamanizum OP t1_iraaojj wrote

>For example, most people I know would prefer to simply spend time with family and friends, or to do whatever hobby they enjoy. It’s rather rare that I see someone say, ‘I love to spend my time convincing people to help me advance my own goals’.

It is absolutely normal. The same way not many people want to become politicians. But at least this way people with highest reputation will not be corrupt and will actually represent wisdom and trust based on contribution.

>Also curious to see how this simulation tackles events like natural disasters, food&resource shortages, plagues, wars. Who gets what? What values are prioritized and who picks?

Async and random as in normal times. The system will have to self-adjust to those changes or collapse.

Also important to note. There will be a resource module which fetches live data about available resources left. So all production have to consider that and it allows for decentralized planning and forecasting. We will know well in advance when something is critically low and the alerts are already set up for that. Everyone receives them when they occur.


shanoshamanizum OP t1_ira9dk4 wrote

It's alright, I am as interested as you and constructive critique is always welcome. If most people abuse the system they will be lower in the political system firstly so no one will consult with them about important topics. If their percentage of society becomes dangerously large then people will vote what to do or the system will naturally collapse and be replaced with something else. Bear in mind that given the speed of automation most people will not be needed anyway for production. Ideation and arts are just as needed. Even partying :)


shanoshamanizum OP t1_ira4ei6 wrote

>Um, if I can have all my needs met by “society” WHY THE FUCK WOULD I BE GOING TO WORK!?!

You are part of the society so you care about the others. You will do what you are passionate about rather than what you have to do. Most people need to do something. There would be a few which would not do anything. That's fine too.

>This game assumes that people will still work shit jobs despite not needing to (because society takes care of everyone). And, remember the jobs that actually produce goods and provide services are all (or at least mostly) shit jobs.

No such assumption made. Boring and dangerous jobs will be automated and it happens as we speak.


shanoshamanizum OP t1_ira40b2 wrote

In the first place the majority of jobs will not exist since they are related to profit-only economy. The dangerous and boring jobs will be automated. Anything else we adapt voluntarily based on demand.

I can recommend a book which influenced me heavily while doing the simulator for further reading:


shanoshamanizum OP t1_ira15j9 wrote

What goals other than survival and contribution do you see fit? The simulator is intentionally not using any form of AI, ML or computational help because the goal is that people learn from the process rather than delegating it to machines. Automation is critical for this to happen just not needed for the supply and demand regulator.


shanoshamanizum OP t1_ir9zg56 wrote

>I can only imagine there are 100,000 people in line before me. So who gets chosen first? The reputation meter measures reputation but gives no privileges.

Async and random. There is no line.

>So is this the metric by how the “most useful” member of society is determined? And I’m assuming it’s unrelated to production, so it’s effectively a social credit (but not required for exchange). The end result is a… popularity contest, then? The Kardashians will have a head start.

This is your level of contribution vs your level of consumption which gives your credibility for voting in an upcoming liquid democracy simulator. People use it to decide who to delegate rights to vote on their behalf if they wish based on this index. The index is context/topic based and not an all-in-one tool like fame or money. See:


shanoshamanizum OP t1_ir9y8kt wrote

You just post it in the dashboard and whoever is producing it will deliver it to you based on location and availability. If you make a request that is considered inadequate by all participants such as a thousand 3d printers no one will supply it. Each member/unit decides autonomously what is real and what's not. As simple as that.


shanoshamanizum OP t1_ir9vaov wrote

Cyber Stasis is an economic simulator in the form of a free fictional game. The interface is a futuristic dashboard which coordinates global real-time demand and supply. The model is based on gift economy and tests the hypothesis of having a market system without any type of exchange be it barters or money. The market system provides a feedback loop between production and consumption and is oriented towards efficiency of distribution. Everything that we measure with money can be measured by a ratio between supply and demand. There is no private property and a concept of wealth. Everyone is connected anonymously to prevent forming of alliances and cartels. The goal of the system is to make sure that all needs are met to the best extent possible. There is a personal reputation index which measures your contributions to society but it does not give any privileges. The goal of the game is to become the most useful member of society.