
shellshocktm t1_iy8i8m4 wrote

Don't know what everyone is saying here because ANC was actually developed for the aviation industry specifically to protect pilots' hearing. The ones that are commercially available just aren't good enough to be protective to that degree. A good pair will be expensive and work well to block out noises and reduce the exterior loudness.


shellshocktm t1_ixyhc1g wrote

There's no need to be hostile. Heteronormative simply means the belief that there are just two sexes/genders that are immutable and that sexual orientation is immutable as well and naturally only directed towards the opposite sex/gender. Anything outside of this both in terms of sex and sexual orientation including intersex is not considered a separate category but is seen as simply being born out of a biological anomaly. So anyone who identifies as not being within the heteronormative frame may refer to themselves as queer as an umbrella term.