
shewy92 t1_je7qznr wrote

Well this isn't going to be an Adult Swim show like you think. It's still aimed at families, only reason it's on Adult Swim is because CN is expanding AS to start at 7pm now

>Originally announced with a two-season order, the all-new kids and family animated series follows the action-packed, comedic, and romantic adventures of Superman and Lois Lane during their early years together. The move comes on the same day that Adult Swim announced that it would begin its programming night at 7 pm beginning May 1st. The animated series was originally intended to air on Cartoon Network and HBO Max


shewy92 t1_jdzxcru wrote

> Something tells me it’s not legal to alter something that’s issued by the government

IDK about that since technically those old registration stickers were on the plate and could be considered altering it. Those stickers were technically only allowed to be on the designated top left corner but you see them on all 4 corners some times


shewy92 t1_jdv2xp4 wrote

You know that sugar can be explosive, right? And chocolate has sugar in it.

>On 7 February 2008, fourteen people were killed and forty injured during a dust explosion at an Imperial Sugar owned refinery in Port Wentworth, Georgia, United States. Dust explosions had been an issue of concern among U.S. authorities since three fatal accidents in 2003, with efforts made to improve safety and reduce the risk of reoccurrence.

>A dust explosion is the rapid combustion of fine particles suspended in the air within an enclosed location. Dust explosions can occur where any dispersed powdered combustible material is present in high-enough concentrations in the atmosphere or other oxidizing gaseous medium, such as pure oxygen. In cases when fuel plays the role of a combustible material, the explosion is known as a fuel-air explosion.

>?Dust explosions are a frequent hazard in coal mines, grain elevators, and other industrial environments. They are also commonly used by special effects artists, filmmakers, and pyrotechnicians, given their spectacular appearance and ability to be safely contained under certain carefully controlled conditions.


shewy92 t1_jdo7osu wrote

> some fetuses actually develop outside the uterus attached to the intestines in the body cavity.

And in some states that mother wouldn't be able to get an abortion and would probably die.

In 2019 Ohio tried making it a law where ectopic pregnancy fetuses had to be reimplanted, a thing that medically isn't possible


shewy92 t1_jctxp7o wrote

>Other Ranbaxy plants squeaked through regulatory inspections entirely, like the plant that manufactured generic Lipitor, the blockbuster cholesterol drug. Less than a year after that plant passed an inspection in 2012, Ranbaxy admitted that some of the millions of generic Lipitor pills already dispensed in the U.S. were suffused with tiny shards of blue glass.


>The situation was even worse in Africa, where many manufacturers shipped their lowest-quality drugs. Some were completely counterfeit, with independent lab analysis showing no active ingredients whatsoever. Those that had active ingredients often didn't have enough, and doctors would need to prescribe anywhere from double to 10 times the typical dose to achieve an effect, according to Eban.

So they were basically selling placebos to African countries?

>Eventually, Ranbaxy, as a company, was brought to justice. But none of the individuals responsible were prosecuted

Of course they weren't. And I wouldn't call a $200m fee justice when it's a billion dollar company