
shihchiun t1_j2kk6an wrote

Wood n’ Tap (Southington) is decent. Haven’t been to Zingarella’s in years but it was pretty good there too. Joey Garlic’s is also not bad if you’re in the area.


shihchiun t1_iurakh3 wrote

If I did the math right, you’re grossing an extra $1,250/month.

If you want to save money, pick a plan with worse benefits (higher deductible, lower maximum coverage, etc.) and hope you don’t need it.

You can also reduce your income but that’s going to be counterproductive. Having less money so you can pay less doesn’t really make sense.


shihchiun t1_iuj8n9t wrote

I’m paying like $750 for 6 months for a 2020 Corolla. $500k liability and $100k medical. I’ve noticed small increases (like $8).

5-year good driver meaning… you’ve only been driving for 5 years? Or haven’t had an accident in 5 years? Youth and driving history can make a huge difference. I’m in my early 30s with 15 years’ experience, for reference.