
shim_sham_shimmy t1_iyngotz wrote

I'm so sick of Republican political theatre. Judd refused to certify because it implies there is a problem with the votes. Just like when Republicans across the country wanted recounts (and then repeat recounts) in 2020. The average person would think if they're doing recounts, then there must be something really suspicious about the results.

If Judd honestly thinks there is a reason to not certify the election, then I say present your evidence and stand firm. As a Dem, I would be fine with that as a voter. I don't want an election certified if it has legitimate issues.

The problem is there is no evidence. Kari Lake can stand on a stage and publicly claim the election is rigged all she wants. She knows her supporters don't care about evidence. But to get away with not certifying an election, you need to actually present evidence or you're violating the law. Judd wouldn't buckle if she had evidence (and I wouldn't want her to).

The sad thing is I'll bet the average Arizona Republican won't walk away thinking Judd just wasted their tax dollars, made Arizona look stupid nationally and needs to be replaced. They'll say not only was there mass cheating by Dems, which cost Lake the election, but now they won't even let us investigate it!

Soon enough we'll get more Republican political theatre involving Hunter Biden. The guy seems like scumball and I couldn't give two shits about him or whether he goes to jail if he broke the law. My issue is nothing Hunter did likely has anything directly to do with Joe Biden. But the fact they investigating Hunter implies Joe did something wrong which is all Republicans care about.