
shitposts_over_9000 t1_j85axy2 wrote

it is satellite imagery so in addition to the weather issue mentioned in the article itself this time of year there is also the issue of calibrating for ground conditions. it doesn't mention which satellite survey methods are at play here but nearly all of them require some degree of human intervention for reclassification which can always be optimistic or pessimistic if you have sway over those doing the reclassification or you can just feed them bad survey data if you don't


shitposts_over_9000 t1_j84d5hg wrote

Two things:

Under several leaders they have made press on satellite foliage coverage changes being positive without adjusting for a baseline or ground conditions.

The last time this guy was in power the first numbers from the next guy indicated a pretty unrealistic rate of change as soon as he was gone. The two most simple explanations are the either the books were cooked or the deforestation was well under way the last time he was in power, he was looking the other way and the work wasn't visible to satellites yet.


shitposts_over_9000 t1_j5tgnua wrote

Reagan put the system out of it's misery, the deinstitutionalization movement is what killed it and that began decades before.

When you give schizophrenics the 'right' to decide to AMA themselves, big surprise: it turns out a lot of them eventually have an episode and do exactly that.

As soon as the legal criteria for an indefinite involuntary hold was changed from being unable to make decisions for yourself to an immediate physical risk to themselves or others the state hospital system was dead as enough Chlorpromazine will eliminate that risk in nearly anyone and as it wears off they have plenty of time to AMA before they recover enough to pose a risk.

Funding for programs like the state hospital system is always proportional to the demand and after the activists won the right for the mentally ill to make bad decisions the demand dried right up to the point that it was difficult for the few patients in some facilities cognizant enough to realize they really needed to stay because the facilities lost all of their economies of scale.

Deinstitutionalization as a concept only works is you assume the mentally ill will never make a decision during a crisis and will put the community's well being above their own. Those are very big asks in any population let alone the mentally ill.

Legally where we are since right before Reagan took office is at best catch and release. You can get a 72hr hold, but it is almost impossible to get longer or release conditional on continuing medication until they have committed a serious crime.

Since 80-90% are just going to AMA anyway it is extremely difficult to justify more than 10% of the spend we had on the 1970s which was already a severe reduction from what we had been investing a few decades before.

If it hadn't been Reagan it would have happened itself after a longer period of substandard care as the funding ran out on its own.


shitposts_over_9000 t1_j1wu5z2 wrote

the images on the computer could, but that was never the value of pantone.

pantone is both a system of representing color and a standard with reference samples FOR those colors on or in various materials and processes.

when your #34a29c isn't as #34a29c as it is supposed to be you end up with a finger pointing game and likely no real resolution.

when your "Viva Magenta 18-1750" isn't right you bust out your $10k sample set from pantone and tell the vendor to get f'ed and remake the product.


shitposts_over_9000 t1_iw2hhjl wrote

I mean, it makes sense that it would. At least for some positions..

Almost no career salary positions have a set rate at the time of making the job posting. The hiring manager has a budget and a pay band.

So they either post a wide enough range that they aren't tipping their hand to the competition or they post a specific target and lose the upper 1/3 of their applicants.

If you go the first route then nothing much changes, if you go the second route then you end up hiring less which means you have more spend on retention, less of your staff looks for new jobs so they advance less in career pay over time.

There is also for larger corporations the effect of location choice. Most of the places passing laws like this are already very high cost of living regions. The additional compliance costs is one more factor to lead them to choose a low cost of living alternative.

We have posted a lot more positions in the Midwest recently because of things like this for example.


shitposts_over_9000 t1_ivpro34 wrote

Which if they were only applying this law to metros above a certain level of population density would make sense, but this just applies the cost to the bottom end of the supply chain across the nation and allows it to multiply as it flows up.

France has nationwide population density similar to the US midwest, the car bans only make sense in about 9% of the country, for the remaining 92% this is just added cost for near zero benefit.


shitposts_over_9000 t1_ivoaf11 wrote

Parking lots where I am are about $3 per square foot.

Solar cells are about $9 per square foot.

You are quadrupling the price before you even get into having to add the frames to elevate them above the 14' minimum clearance, bury all the additional cabling and infrastructure or deal with all the additional permitting and regulatory compliance not to mention liability of you previously open lot now being a code compliant structure.

After that you also have all the headache of actually plugging the cells into something productive.

Industrial power like you would find in a large grocery store makes it nearly impossible to simply backfeed like you would residential solar so you would either need an independent system that used it for something like charging batteries that can later be used for something or a second utility service specifically for the solar to dump it's excess. If you go the second route and you have a decent sized parking lot that is going to require a dedicated run to a substation in some cases because the local distribution lines aren't sized for that kind of local load.

If the cells are doing something productive they will also require maintenance far more than a parking lot that you can safely ignore for a decade or two at a time.

It will also make things in property management like snow removal far more time consuming and risky so therefore more expensive as well while adding additional pest control requirements for all the critters that will try and get into these structures and providing far more surface area for your vandalism cleanup folks to deal with.

All of these costs will be passed directly to shoppers and anyone using the utility.


shitposts_over_9000 t1_iveogs3 wrote

Community moderation 101:

Topics that directly affect the community will attract more attention by said community.

Topics that contain tropes will perform better than ones that do not.

Outrage & shock will outperform Tropes.

Taken in order:

Random crimes like car break ins get discussed as a warning to others, then celebrated when the perpetrator is finally caught far more than crimes that don't directly effect people on platforms like Facebook but far less on platforms like Twitter. Demographically those crimes are almost never evenly distributed in the first place. Where I live car break ins are 27yr old white junkies on average, across town not so much.

Who discusses crime online also varies by demographic and it mostly tends to be the poor and the upper middle class when a crime is committed somewhere unexpected.

The tropes kind of write themselves these days. Any time you see security video of a gas station robbery the ones where the assailant doesn't know how to hold the gun properly will always outperform one that is less colorful. Bonus points if they obviously have more gold jewellery than the cash value of the take from the robbery.

Outage and shock has also become a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts as well. In areas with very low case close rates it is much easier for things like the assaults on elderly Asians to happen because it is unlikely anyone will ever be punished. It also means that it is a good bet that intimidating or eliminating a witness gives better chances of not being caught by the cops. Again, demographics of who is doing this vary from place to place a little, but less than in the previous example because serious gangs are usually a prerequisite and those tend to have very little ethnic diversity.

Which platforms have more or less of this depends greatly in what the platform is primarily used for.

Twitter is for arguing politics and complaining to the social media managers of large corporations so it sees less than Facebook which is more general, but not as much as something like nextdoor which has a very local focus.

Places like Reddit are also influencing this as well. When popular sites start issuing ban warnings and perform admin removals over links to government issued crime statistics it motivates people to post individual examples as news to that platform and creates Streisand effect additional discussions of said statistics and the platform's political motivation in suppressing them.

Tl; Dr the type of platform affects the level of attention & the people most likely to discuss crime they were the victim of are far from evenly distributed so neither are the perpetrators. The type and details of the crime heavily affect it's likelihood to be discussed as well.


shitposts_over_9000 t1_isepjlc wrote

Traditionally, and even mentioned in this terribly written article, prepubescent child marriage as was popular in that area is more about managing abject poverty then anything else.

Very different from what you see in the west with the laws being more that there is an avenue to marriage for teens that end up becoming parents.

Banning it typically either results in it going underground, by a different name, or those that would have been married off ending up in an even worse situation unless there is a significant effort to offset the cost to families with daughters.

Hopefully they have accounted for this sufficiently add the bad article is just bad.


shitposts_over_9000 t1_iqvfkkz wrote

It was fairly common as a goal in the 80s and 90s for departments, or more commonly multi-county agencies to try to set these up, but in most jurisdictions they suffered the same problem the big departments' negotiation teams did.

99% of the time by the point you can ensure that the situation is safe enough to send unarmed individuals in everything is already over and in that 1% where it isn't the difference between regular EMTs dog piling someone along with the cops vs an extended standoff while someone tries to talk them into the bus voluntarily they is mostly just a few bumps and bruises.

There are absolutely cases where it makes a huge difference, but they are rare unless the police are putting the specialists at a fair bit of risk.

Simply put, most rural communities will choose another armed officer on patrol over a specialist on call all day every day.