
shortieXV t1_jd22s3m wrote

Don't think you'll find much in NH but possibly Vermont near the river/lake on the western border. From the very little I know about French descendant migration a lot of it would follow the Mississippi river and great lakes region, that might extend to lake Champlain but it's a stretch.

Next closest thing would be like a French Canadian culture festival? Which I have seen advertised stapled to electric poles a few times in my life but perhaps googling would work better if you're seeking it out.


shortieXV t1_jbiiybp wrote

Reply to comment by teladero1 in Job postings by teladero1

This is nowhere near competitive for someone with networking experience unfortunately. Comparable salaries are doing data entry and basic office management. You might want to talk to local associates degree programs for entry level applicants at this range.


shortieXV t1_jbgxhvu wrote

If your clergy agree with this it suggests they are using rhetoric as a tool to isolate you and make you dependent on them for community by "othering" differing view points. I recommend getting out while you can before you find yourself entirely dependent on the clergy for any thoughts or community you have.


shortieXV t1_jbgkjo5 wrote

It doesn't interest me because it's a psychotic take and this isn't a straw man because it's an observation not an argument. You stated it's a religion which is clearly false by all common definitions so using your niche bias definition to play semantic dodgeball sounds awful to me. No thanks.


shortieXV t1_jbgib90 wrote

This is the worst take I've seen in a long time. It seems your position is that "pronouns are religion". I would encourage you to examine why you frame things this way because from my point of view it means you only see the world as "my religion is default and everything else is some other religion" which makes you sound delusional.


shortieXV t1_jbcshpx wrote

Parents who want to shelter their kids from the real world and avoid explaining trans folks should probably just homeschool their kids if they are that concerned or pay for a private school that believes what they believe. Public schools should support all people and teach about all races, genders, orientations, etc. I don't have kids but I want the kids in my state to be up to date on this stuff if they are going to live here and work here some day. Makes for a better and safer society if we aren't all beholden to archaic beliefs from out dated religious types.


shortieXV t1_j9usu0x wrote

He has vetoed attempts to move closer to ranked choice voting and attempts to make gerrymandering harder. To me this means he is a turd. But in a party of explosive diarrhea inducing Trumphumpers I take the turd I suppose.


shortieXV t1_j53q2sd wrote

What I don't understand is why ban it? It should be a medical decision between a doctor and their patient. Why let the government decide what these folks need? It's not like this is being forced on anyone against medical recommendations. It's entirely elective so whether it's a mistake or a blessing for an individual it's their choice to make. Not mine, and certainly not the government's. Shoot this bill down. Do better.


shortieXV t1_iv334q3 wrote

I use Fi and it's been great. Mostly the same network as T Mobile but swaps onto US Cellular when it needs to. WiFi calling is an absolute must for me though. Gives signal in all kinds of places you might not expect or let's you jump onto someone else's hotspot if you have to.


shortieXV t1_isyauaq wrote

Not from that area so couldn't swear to it but the services that lease from other providers tend to have best variety of coverage in my experience. Mint and GoogleFi come to mind. I use Fi because it has built in WiFi calling that covers me most places I end up even if the cell signal isn't great. Wouldn't help if stranded though. Hope this gives you ideas

Edit: fixing auto correct stuff