
shouldbebabysitting t1_j91hl5a wrote

"If we suddenly didn’t have access to the supply chain we do now. DSLR cameras would not be possible at scale."

If we suddenly didn't have access to the supply chain as we do now, his camera wouldn't be possible but higher quality cameras would be. As I already explained, hobbiest parts are last in line.

I don't think you read the article or if you did you don't understand any of it. The "new" part wasn't using an esp32cam. There have been thousands of people making esp32 cameras before this person. Tens of thousands of others have purchased Pi cam modules.

The new part was using ePaper instead of an lcd.

As the creator said, his ePaper camera is an interesting concept where you can take a single permanent photo. When you take another photo, your previous photo is lost forever.

The camera part, that you've been obsessed about, is completely irrelevant.


shouldbebabysitting t1_j915eb5 wrote

I already explained it earlier and you continued with your nonsense.

Referring to the "era" is still nonsense as I already explained that there are plenty of better sensors. Your "what if" about "supply chain" doesn't make any sense. When the supply chain dried up last year, hobbiest components became impossible to get. $35 Pi's were selling for $150.


shouldbebabysitting t1_j8zub56 wrote

> DSLR cameras would not be possible at scale.

I don't think you understand what DLSR means. DLSR stands for digital single lens reflex camera. Before in sensor phase detection was possible, or laser range finders were possible, a separate sensor chip was used for focus. For this separate chip to work with the actual imaging sensor, a prism was mechanically raised into the path of the image to allow for autofocus, then quickly moved away at the moment of capture.

DSLR is a mechanical kludge to work around technical limitations of the time. It is more complex and requires more parts than modern cameras. If there was a supply chain problem, DSLR's would be harder to make than modern cameras. My main camera is a DSLR. But it is obsolete.

The Paperoid uses a ESP32 cam board that has a fixed focus lens. It is not a DSLR. Pretty much any cheap sensor is better quality than the ESP32 cam. Raspberry PI has a new autofocus sensor that's far better. The method of focus is irrelevant to the imaging (sensor) and storage/display (lcd or epaper) of photos.


shouldbebabysitting t1_j8y6ngt wrote

The problem is that it displays a digital photo that neither has the output quality of an lcd or oled, nor the physical permanence of a physical photo like a Polaroid. If the eink plugged in like film so the "print" could be handed out like a Polaroid, it would be more interesting.

DSLR, being a particular technology for autofocus, is entirely beside the point.


shouldbebabysitting t1_j8jljhy wrote

"I want to emphasize that light comes in this form-particles. It is very important to know that light behaves like particles, especially for those of you who have gone to school, where you were probably told something about light behaving like waves. I'm telling you the way it does behave- like particles."

Feynman, "QED The Strange Theory of Light and Matter"


shouldbebabysitting t1_j8jkls1 wrote

>The photon absorption and re-emission model doesn't hold up as well as Feynman's explanation.

In his book QED, Feynman explained that he favored the photon absorption model but used field mathematics because it was the only method to deal with the vast quantities of photons.

"I want to emphasize that light comes in this form-particles. It is very important to know that light behaves like particles, especially for those of you who have gone to school, where you were probably told something about light behaving like waves. I'm telling you the way it does behave- like particles."

-Feynman, "QED The Strange Theory of light and Matter"

He then went on to explain everything about transmission, refraction and reflection as individual photon absorption and emissions.


shouldbebabysitting t1_iy3fy1x wrote

Except speakers are smaller than the empty space already required to exist in cars.

You have to have front crumple zones and side windows that go up and down. That leaves empty space which is filled by speakers. Switching to a smaller speaker doesn't change the space required for a door window. (Because the door window doesn't and can't fill the entire door frame when lowered.)

The front crumple zones leaves space under the windshield in the dashboard. This is unused space that can't be filled with anything massive. But speakers are mostly thin metal and paper. So they can go into crumple zones where nothing else can.

A smaller speaker means more empty space inside the frame. It can't save space.