
shwaak t1_jctm6x8 wrote

The bottles have two layers of stainless steel and they suck out the air between those two layers, this is what insulates the bottle, if there is no air in that space there is minimal heat transfer, that’s the vacuum part. So the air has leaked back into that space somehow, probably a slow leak from crappy construction as I didn’t damage the bottle, and now the bottle doesn’t insulate what’s inside. You can tell just buy filling it with hot or cold water, you feel it holding the bottle quite quickly, a good bottle you can’t tell if it’s hot or cold inside, it also sound different when you tap it, when it had a vacuum it sounds really tinny, now it’s more dull.


shwaak t1_jcrxdph wrote

Oh ok, yeah mine never leaked, just wouldn’t keep anything cold. It’s a shame as I really liked the look of the KK, the classic was nice and simple, but no good if it stops working, it pissed me off as it was just out of warranty by the time I got around to dealing with it, and they made it a hassle so I didn’t bother. So now I just make sure to mention it when the topic comes up and people can make their decisions with that info.


shwaak t1_jcrvuae wrote

Yep, and 1 year warranty on KK, 5 years on yeti. My KK had no major damage, just lost vacuum, I’ve heard others have had a similar experience when this has come up on reddit in the past.

Edit: I think there was even a BIFLfail post on them.


shwaak t1_jbmtewr wrote

If there is glass in the pump the pump probably wasn’t broken as the pump impeller is driven by a magnetic field through the plastic so there’s isn’t much to break, I’ve pulled broken glass out from our dishwasher twice and it’s still working fine, if you’re even remotely handy it’s not hard to fix most dishwasher problems yourself.