
siegfred7 t1_je4bn3v wrote

Don’t put words in my mouth, obviously im irked and is talking about outside groups actively interfering with our internal affairs, not with the criticisms. What would the cushy members of ICC know of our pains?

What made you think what Portugal did will work for us? These approaches worked for 1st world countries, not for everyone, specially ours since addiction has a lot of factors, culture, behaviors, economy, etc… factors that are incredibly hard to fix in 3rd world countries like ours and will be there for decades, are we supposed to wait? Have you lost a love one to a druggie? I did, more than once.


siegfred7 t1_je3tkia wrote

Im a local, WTF are you talking about? Paying elite? Even big government assholes that associated with drugs got slaughtered. Exaggerated? Are you a fucking moron? Before him you could barely go around at night or cary any valuables at all without getting jumped, during operation tukhang you could leave your house unlocked and no one would try shit, you could send your kids on trips on their own without worrying, now a kid goes to a nearby park gets raped or killed for absolutely no reason other than an asshole being high.

Fuck you foreigners who have no skin in the game, you don’t know what it’s like to live in fear in your own country.
