
silashoulder t1_j33cdzw wrote

>plural of anecdote is not data

Can you phrase that in a less insufferable way?

  1. That was in Illinois.
  2. Yes. I’ve also applied in Ohio and California when I lived in those states.
  3. Yes. I was also denied disability in Ohio even with a medically valid request.

Scope out my post history if you want to see a tragedy play out in real-time.


silashoulder t1_j1sin1z wrote

It’s sort of split by genre:
Kendrick and Nicki Minaj have the Rap world, Beyoncé and Taylor Swift are the largest names in Pop at the moment,
Lin-Manuel Miranda can do anything he wants on Broadway or for Disney,
South Korean artists are cornering the market on Dance/Electronica,
BUT there are no interesting guitarists left in Rock after Eddie. (When was the last time a band made the charts?)


silashoulder t1_j02rjro wrote

I was trying to emphasize that the dogwhistle is the antisemitic part. Hence the separation between the two sentences. The notion that “They got paid, quit complaining” is common rhetoric in hateful circles.

See also: The “40 Acres and a Mule” rhetoric that racists often use to shut down discussion of reparations for black Americans.

Racism is a hell of a drug, apparently.


silashoulder t1_j01t76s wrote

That’s another antisemitic dogwhistle, mi amigo. Yes, there were paid contractors involved in the architecture, but those paid contractors used slave labor to build. Denying the use of slave labor is erasure.

You’d be hard-pressed to find any monuments that don’t include a history of someone getting screwed out of a lot of money. See also: Gutzon Borglum’s Mount Rushmore.


silashoulder t1_iyf31xr wrote

Find that therapist’s therapist, then that one’s therapist, until you meet the Final Boss Therapist & win @ mental health.

(It’s obviously satire, and not mine, but I think it perfectly describes the hierarchical failures of the mental health system in what should be “WELL developed” nations.)


silashoulder t1_iye3axe wrote


silashoulder t1_iye2xpq wrote

Hope this helps: The ACE Questionnaire (Adverse Childhood Experiences) is a short test to determine later-in-life health risks from early abuse.

For context: my score is 8/10, and the therapist who first tested me, audibly gasped.


silashoulder t1_ivu5rd3 wrote

My concern is that, by scheduling specific meditations, patients might run the risk of compartmentalizing their tools. That’s not to imply that a patient would only be able to practice mindfulness at a predetermined part of the day, but I’d push for further investigation into what the best immersion techniques are.

I also suspect that the timeline parallels the Buddhist practice you mentioned, purely out of tradition, which medical scientists have been guilty of before. (For example, it’s perfectly safe to take antibiotics and have a glass of wine. There’s some evidence that Prohibition was partly motivated by doctor’s’ recommendations against drinking alcohol to reduce the risk of “being fun enough at parties to have sex with,” thereby spreading STIs, particularly among the military ranks.)

(Edit: see also, Why Fitbits Are Set at 10,000 Steps.)


silashoulder t1_ivt1xox wrote

I took mindfulness classes, and it think it’s a mistake to frame the practice as >“30-45 minutes a day.”

It’s more like: >constant upkeep and periodic check-ins with oneself, that amounts to a collective 30-45 minutes in a day.

A straight 45 minutes of “quiet time” isn’t going to have the same effect as a complete overhaul of your focus. Fortunately, complete overhauls are easier.