
sitnlisten t1_j8muhlk wrote

You didn’t upset me. I’m just curious. Did jung or his cult negatively impact you or someone around you? I think he was deluded and I think some of the stuff he put out is helpful in the right context. Normally when I’ve talked with people about jung, the majority agree he was wrong and harmful about some aspects of mental health and others he had some helpful insights that are beneficial to others. My surprise was your comment saying that no one is talking about him and his occult ideas when in my experience it’s been a commonly agreed upon fact. Anyone can write a self help book and it’s easier to borrow ideas that have been helpful to others than to recreate your own. I also am trying to be more open to what is helpful to other people and despite my own misgivings I think jungians have helped people in significant distress and if that’s what they’ve achieved without cult initiation why not let them be?


sitnlisten t1_j8mtis5 wrote

So people are talking about it and your concerned about a niche sub-genre of self help? If his cultish writing help a few people better themselves what is the harm? Jungians aren’t out there looking for more cultists in any significant manner. If you’re gonna start a crusade why don’t you go after one of the established religious cults like christianity, islam, or hinduism who all have objectively done infinitely more harm?