
sjpllyon t1_j0tvamb wrote

I grew up in Spain. People never cared about this in the first place, not in a native way. They just didn't care if a boy played with dolls or a girl with cars. If a guy wanted to do girly things he could, and vice versa. This was in a small very traditional village. All the cared about was being happy and living a good life. The only judged you based on your personality, and your actions. They helped people in need without thought.

Very least that was my experience of the country.


sjpllyon t1_irwy1w8 wrote

Valid points. But I will add this, maybe it's so the officer at the scene is able to identify quickly if a different gendered officer is required or even how to refer to them.

But honestly, I have no idea. I'm just trying to think of reasons on why it was put on them in the first place.


sjpllyon t1_irwrv4v wrote

I would think it's for when/if that individual is being taken to jail, searched, or taken to prison they can be dealt with by the appropriate gender. Example being I would not liked to be searched in any form by the opposite sex than myself. Not would I like to go to a prison with the opposite sex.