
skaleywags t1_jdmjmgb wrote

Yeah, lots of people were really enjoying the area prior to the investment.... The place was a waste dump, now Jersey City has hosted The Barclay's, The President's Cup, the Northern Trust, The ICONS Series, and this year the Mizuho America's Open. These are all open to the public. The membership is not capped at 250, but that doesn't really matter for this conversation. Say what you want about inequality, but you live in the NYC area. It is going to be rampant here. You live ~10 miles from BILLIONAIRE'S ROW. What do you expect? Why don't we focus on the things that are making this town worse? JCPD is absolutely useless. 911 calls are not being picked up. Traffic is a god damn nightmare. I get that this issue has tons of buzz words and it feels like injustice, but say what you want, the golf course has helped the city of Jersey City.


skaleywags t1_jdm72dl wrote

Liberty National is hosting an LPGA event in May where the top 24 junior female players in the country get to compete with the LPGA pros. That's kinda cool. The fact is the place was a total dump before the golf course. Hell, there's an argument that the entirety of Jersey City has gotten significantly better and more livable since the investment was made to build the course and beautify LSP. There are about 25 people in LSP at any given time...making more to do and easier access might be great for the park. Either way, bringing professional golf events to JC has clearly done some good. I really don't understand how of the zillions of rich assholes galavanting around the NYC area doing horrible things for their own benefit, this one gets so much attention. I see a lot of positive that has come from Fireman wanting to invest in JC. Sure, he certainly benefits from it, but that's what capitalism is. It's not my favorite but we live in America and that is how it is. There are so many deplorable hills to climb and die on, why choose one that is helping your town?
